New Playmates

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A certain black haired boy laughed as he stared at his opponent drenched in his sweat hair in a mess and face looking sour as he held his head down, his hands were balled into fist as he hit the table and the hundreds of stacks of chips surrounding the blacked haired boy trembled from the impact.

???: mister don't take out your anger on the table~ 'giggles'

???: you... you cheated!!! You cheated!!! You're a cheater!! A cheater!!!!

The man yelled in anger, the black haired boy just laughed as he flashed his cards at his opponent with a royal flush, he smiled crazily and leaned forward to his opponent and whispered in his ear,

???: I never cheat on my games m-i-s-t-e-r!~ 'laughs'

???: this is impossible.. I have no more money...

???: ah?~ what was that? Guys! Look at this man! He says he's bankrupt HAHAHAHA!!!

The others around him also laughed as they stared at the man drenched in sweat, the black haired man's eyes glowed a mysterious blue as he said,

???: you know.. you still have something to bet with~

???: I'm out of this game.. I quit!!!

???: He still has his life yet he says he can't bet anymore!!! 'Laughs'

The man suddenly passes out in fear and stress and falls off his chair as the blue eyed gambler laughs uncontrollably, men in suits carried the passed out gambler out of the room,

Time skip

The blue eyed gambler leaned back on his chair as he sighed,

???: ah~ when can I find a worthy opponent? They're all the same it never changes!

???: it's because you're too strong takemichi.

Takemichi: oh? Akkun you're here!

The boy launched himself to this man called "akkun" and hugged him tightly as he smiled, the man called "akkun" chuckled and patted the blue eyed males back as he said "Takemichi too tight!"

Takemichi giggles and released the red headed man and smiled at him with eyes closed, a blush spread on the red head's cheek but shook his head before saying,

Akkun: well someone wants to play with you takemichi.

Takemichi: oh really!? Tell me who!!

Akkun: well it's someone new I don't exactly know who he is..

Takemichi: interesting~ let him in!!!

Akkun: uh takemitchi.. its actually "them"

Takemichi: I dont care! I just wanna play!!

Akkun: 'sigh' I really never get you when it come to gambling..

Takemichi: Love you too akkun!

Akkun: yeah bye takemichi! 'Leaves'

The door leading to where takemitchi was shut close and silence filled the room, takemichi frowned before beaming up when he thought of an idea "this is going to be real fun now" as he giggled and skipped out of the room with a smirk on his face.

Let's Gamble To Death! (Alltake)Where stories live. Discover now