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"TaKEmIChHhIiI!!!!"a voice screeched from outside the room making everyone in it flinch, the one who yelled was none other than kazutora. The man was literally going crazy, he was so close to just getting a chainsaw and busting in the room with it.

The other men who worked for Takemichi outside the room were already 10 meters away from Kazutora as the man went wild, literally. The black haired male with an undercut and sea foam eyes named chifuyu was beside him, also so close to getting a gun and shooting the door handle with it so he can get Takemichi already.

Chifuyu: michi open it up please!

Kazutora: Fuck! Open this door michi or I swear to god I won't let you go in our pet store anymore!!!

Inside The Room

The black haired referee immediately stood up from his seat and went to the door, "don't you dare do that tora!!!" The black haired male yelled angrily as he kicked the door lightly.

"I fucking will michi if you don't open this door!!!" Kazutora yelled from outside making a tick mark on the black haired referee's head. "Ugh just wait for god's sake!! We're almost done!!!" The referee replied as he went to the table where the haitani brothers and kawata twins were gambling at and hit it making the chips tremble from the impact.

"You shitheads better hurry this up or this will end with me becoming a murderer!!" The referee threatened at those who were playing before going to kakucho who was currently sweating as he wondered why the referee was going to him.

Takemichi boldly sat on kakucho's lap as the male's face went deep red, "u-um excuse me—" the half blind male was about to say before Takemichi shushed him and continue to pout as he thought about what kazutora said.

The bonten executives who weren't gambling right now were looking at the black haired referee with confusion, shock, and a little bit of lust. Takemichi leaned backwards, finding the male he was sitting on pretty comfy.

Outside The Room

Inui came to where Kazutora and chifuyu was saying that the game wasn't being broadcasted anymore, the two sighed in relief not wanting anybody else to know about their little gambling addict.

Inui: have you talked to michi yet? What did he say?

Kazutora: 'angryly' well he said we should just wait.

Inui: I see, anyways what happened here?

The blonde with a scar on his forehead looked around seeing many scratches on the door and walls, there were also torn wallpaper and the door and everything were full of kick marks.

Chifuyu: Kazutora went a little crazy but I got him to calm down, but now that the gamble inside isn't being broadcasted how are we going to see what is going on in there?

Kazutora: nah chifu, mitsuya and draken probably hacked the cameras and now see everyone in the room clearly.

Inui: oh, actually someone took down every camera inside the room, we don't know what the hell is going on in there.

Kazutora: 'sarcastically' great, just great.

Inui: 'annoyed' you're telling that to us who can't do anything because someone took down all the cameras. We can't just magically fix all the cameras while being far away from it. While you here can't even break down the door.

Chifuyu: okay that is enough, maybe we should just wait for michi, I'm sure he'll alert us if there's something wrong in there.

"Fine.." the two mumbled as inui then left leaving the job of breaking into the room to Kazutora and chifuyu.

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