Bathroom Incident

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"Ugh~ my back hurts so much~" a black haired male groaned in pain as he grabbed an ice pack from a fridge and put it on his lower back,

Takemichi: i should'nt have gone into that room..

He dragged his feet as he went to a velvet couch  and just layed there staring at the ceiling when a man with blue fluffy hair interrupted his staring competition with the ceiling fan.

A?g?y: takemichi-san are you okay?

The man with fluffy blue hair asked concerned but with a scowl on his face, the blue eyed male sat up and looked at the other male with a bored look before tackling the man into a hug,

A?g?y: uh wha— takemichi-san?

Takemichi: i just cant stand how cute you are souta-chan~

The black haired male cooed as he pinched the other male's cheeks making his face go a deep red,

The black haired male continued to pamper the other male until he was interrupted by yet another male who looked exactly like the one called "souta-chan" 

The peach haired male lifted takemichi up and onto his shoulder from the blue haired male who was currently in cloud 9,

Takemichi: nahoya-san!! I was playing with souta-chan!!

The peach haired male slapped the other male ass making him yelp and shut up as souta finally went back to his senses,

Souta: ah.. nii-chan when did you get here?

Nahoya: few minutes ago 'smiles wildly' so sad you didn't get a round with michi few hours ago.

Souta: 'blushes' i— uhh— im not ready for that.

Nahoya: you're 21 and you only f*cked with michi twice since you met him 5 years ago.

Souta: shut up!

Takemichi: hey let me down!!

Nahoya: no, you still have those new people that you forgot about.

Takemichi: oh my gosh i totally forgot about that!! Who are they fighting now? Are they good?

Nahoya: they've beaten hakkai, mitsuya, chifuyu, and baji so far, ya shoulda seen the look on baji's face when he lost it was hilarious!

Takemichi: yeah but tell me which of them is the strongest!

Souya: the only ones who had played were the white haired one, the one with the huge scar on his face, and the two brothers,

Nahoya: the only ones who hadn't played were this pink drug lord one and the one who looked depressed as f*ck.

Takemichi: sheesh they sound like mafia bosses.

Nahoya: ...aren't you one—

Takemichi: im not! what the hell are you thinking!

?n?i: hey takemichi there's a gang who trespassed in our territory—

Takemichi threw a card at the man with the scar on his forehead as it grazed his cheek and stuck onto the wall like a dart, blood dropped from the man's cheek as he quickly walked out the room,

Nahoya: 'sarcastically' yeah definitely not a mafia boss~

Takemichi: oh shut up before i make you cry you son of a bi—

Souta: no swearing!

Takemichi: aww okay~ only for you my little cutie~ 'kisses souta on the lips'

Souya: !?!?!

Nahoya: what the fu—

Time Skip

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