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The day after the fight. Takemichi was stretching his back from all the work he had to do after the ruckus. AKA, all the Taisyuketen executive's rewards. "Motherfuckers could've taken it easy.. I just got kidnapped for f's sake.." he massaged his back as he opened the refrigerator and got a carton of milk, pouring himself some of that white liquid.

Severe eye bags could be seen under his eyes as he took a sip of his milk like a dad. Cold hands slowly wrapped around Takemichi's thin waist as a chin laid in the crook of his neck.

Takemichi: Izana-kun you're heavy.. 'sipping milk'

The black-haired gambler only got a hum in reply as he sigh and walk to the couch, the tan male following him and laying on his lap. "You should sleep more if you're sleepy Izana.." once again Takemichi was ignored and got small snores in return.

Takemichi is really different when he's sleepy, his bright and crazy attitude disappears and gets replaced by a motherly one. It's like the complete opposite of him when he's energetic.

Souya then entered the room, rubbing his eyes and seeing Takemichi on the couch sipping on his milk. The blue-haired man got near the beauty and gave a peck on his forehead, saying "morning Takemichi-San"

"Morning souya.." Takemichi yawned before continuing, "where's Draken and Mitsuya?" "They're visiting Mikey and his friends.. they'll probably come back a little later.." Souya also got some milk and drank it, putting the cup in the sink before laying on a bean bag and continuing to sleep.

Takemichi: 'yawns' Inui-kun? Inui-kun could you get souya on his bed?

Inui quickly came into the room, his face already beautified and awake as he always wakes up earlier than everybody else to cook. The green-eyed male kissed Takemichi's forehead and said, "good morning love, why don't you get back on your bed also?"

"I... I just want to get up early.. and gamble.." he yawned again, brushing Izana's hair gently as he drinks the last bit of his milk and hand it to Inui who put it in the sink. "Inui.. can you get Izana off me? Call Kaku.. isn't he on our side now?" The blonde nodded and grabbed his phone, calling Kakucho who was already patrolling their area to come quick.

Kakucho: my king. Let's get you back in bed. 'Picks up Izana'

Izana: 'whispering' slave.. don't eat all the muffins.. I'll kill you..

Kakucho: 'thought' he must be dreaming.. cute.

Kakucho and Izana left the room with Inui carrying souya and helping them back into their rooms. Inui came back later to check up on Takemichi who was slowly dozing off but trying hard to stay up.

Takemichi: Inui~ prepare a hot, bath for me.

Inui: yes boss. 'Makes a call' it's ready.

Inui saw the black-haired gambler already asleep and then carries him. "I'd be able o carry a refrigerator now because I'm always carrying people." He thought as he walked through the dimly lit hallways and went in the bathroom. He then took off his lover's clothes and tested the warmth of the water before dipping Takemichi in it, washing his hair and body then drying him with a towel and a hair dryer.

Surprisingly, even after  Takemichi took a bath, he was still sleepy.  He sighs and says "Takemichi what am I going to do with you?" Before getting a call from Draken,


Inui: Draken? Is there something wrong?

There is. I'm a little tired and Mitsuya's close to passing out:Draken

The Bonten shits won't even talk without Takemichi there.:Draken

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