♨︎Invinsible Mikey: Defeated♨︎

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Bonten's eyes widen,

Sanzu: Taisyakuten's... leader? 'laughs maniacally' you?! taisyakuten's leader?! HAHAHAHAHA!!! you can't trick us with that excuse you stupid hoe!! you look so damn weak I bet you can't even injure Bonten's weakest member HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Takemichi: hah~ what a waste of space this idiot is. Do you really think I would make a joke right now when i'm in this situation you bastard? well.. you know what? maybe I can make a joke right now.. hmm~ what would be a good joke? 'puts hand on chin'

Kokonoi: 'whispers' boss I think this man inhaled sanzu's drugs. Should we call back up just in case?

Mikey: don't bother. even if what he's saying is true, he's outnumbered and i'm also here.

Kakucho: b-boss.. he untied the ropes on his hands.

Mikey: what-

Takemichi: ah I know! knock knock!

Bonten trio: 'looks at each other'

Rindou: who's there?

Takemichi: Izana!

Ran: Izana who?-

Izana: 'kicks the door open' Izana the motherfucking badass!!! 'cackles' who's ready to fucking die you peasants!!

Sanzu: The fac—

Izana: 'punches sanzu' shut up. I also booked a therapy session for you with Duterte. I'll be missing you sanzu 'smiles'

Ran: Anna oop— pash pash💅✨

Sanzu: fucking bitch!

Hanma: yo! My key! We're taking back Takemichi.

Mikey: so he really is your leader huh.

Hanma: 'smiles widely' why of course~ michi Let's go! Izana ate too much sweets now he's hyper.

Takemichi: oh lol hahaha!! Then we don't need to fight!

Hanma: ya, let's go.

Sanzu: hey wait come back!! Ugh tf is wrong with you man!?

Izana: 'Pulls Sanzu's hair' no-bo-dy knows!~

Kokonoi: 'in a call' hey we need back up—

The rich man's phone got kicked out of his hands, eyes widened as he looked at his broken phone then at his side. "That was ten thousand dollars bitch!!"

"Oh so that's how you greet your former teammate and fuck buddy now huh." The long, white haired bonten executive's eyes widened even more hearing a familiar he had missed for so long.

Kokonoi: I-Inui!

Inui: shut it Hajime. You hurt my captain and now you'll pay. 'Takes of heels'

Kokonoi: 'sweating' wait no— 'backing up' Inui don't please!!!

Inui: this is for betraying me and leaving me for a stripper! 'Slaps Koko with heel'

Kokonoi: ow!!

Inui: this is for spending my half of the money we saved!! 'Slaps Koko's other cheek with heel'

Kokonoi: damn that hurts!!—

Inui: and this is for hurting my beloved sunshine demon baby gambling addicted captain!!! 'Slaps Koko with both heels'

Kokonoi: my gold that hurts!! 'Falls down and starts crying rich'

Inui: hmph! 'Puts on heels and walks like a model to michi'

Takemichi: winner winner winner! We have our winner!!! 'Kisses Inui's cheek and hugs him'

Inui: mm thank you captain.

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