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A black haired male huffed as he sat on a couch while crossing his arms. His mood was really broken after he met those two grape headed b*stards earlier.

Souta: takemichi-san I need to go now, I still have to prepare for our game.

And with that, the black haired male's mood turned from sour into sad. "Eh~ but I don't want you to go!!" He said as he grabbed the fluffy haired man's arm.

Souta: Takemichi-San please I really need to go now..

Takemichi: hmph! No way! 'Hugs souta's arm tighter'

Inui: now now michi let go of souta.

The male with a scar on his forehead said as he pulled takemichi's waist trying to pull the male away from souta. "No I don't want to!!" Yelled takemichi as he gripped tighter on souta's arm,

Souta: takemichi-san p-please let go!

Takemichi: no!!!

Inui: I swear michi just let go, you'll see him right after the game!!

The blonde finally pulled Takemichi off from Souta who tumbled back a bit. Inui quickly hugged Takemichi from the back and yelled "go souta!" as said male quickly ran out the room without any person sticking onto him like a koala.

Takemichi: let go inui!!

Inui: michi just stay here for a second, you won't even know the game is already done just wait.

Takemichi: ugh fine I'm staying just let go of me!

Inui released takemichi who brushed his clothes before storming off to his room leaving inui with a dumbfounded face. "TAKEMICHIII!!!" He shouted as the black haired male only stuck out his tongue while smiling as he left to his room.


When the blue eyed gambler got into his room, he locked the doors before sighing in relief as he walked to his bed and laid down. He hugged his pillow before abruptly standing up and looking at his closet, he smirked playfully as he thought of an amazing idea and walked up to his closet.

Time Skip

The kawata twins and takemichi's "new playmates" were already in one room, they all looked so serious like they were having a test in school or something.

Each gambling game would be broadcasted on the really large televisions inside the casino, which means, all the people in the casino could see who won and lost.

Right now there's a smaller game taking place, the people started to bet on who would win and who would lose, of course, because none of the new guys had lost yet they were all betting on them with millions.

They were all waiting for the show to start, then a countdown began to show on the tv exciting the people even more, "3...2...1...0" the tv turned on showing a black haired man with a black mask on the screen,

"We will now start the game, for our side, we have the two most ferocious, intimidating, and handsome looking duo! Please come forward Kawawa twins!" The black haired male yelled as he pointed at two males who had peach hair and the other had blue,

"And now for their opponents, please step up, the Haitani brothers!" He said as the spotlight went to the two brothers who had violet eyes,

K?k?c?o: there wasn't anything like a referee when we started in the first game.. why is there one now?

A male with a huge scar on his face mumbled as he looked at the black haired referee who was surprisingly enthusiastic in his job, it was somehow weird that a referee was actually this shameless as he just continued to observe the gamblers,

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