Extra 1 - Bonten's Experience

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A chapter where we witness some of Bonten's executives experience their first night with Takemichi, May be a little unholy but since I do not know how to write smut I can leave it to y'alls imagination and ditch before they start goin down.


Haitani Brother's First Time

"Ughh I don't know what to do!!" Takemichi rolled around in the couch with a pillow in his hands. Most of the Taisyakuten and Bonten executives went to deal with some issues with the criminal organization they were in.

Suddenly, Ran Haitani popped up behind the couch and picked up Takemichi like a cat. "Takemichi~ why don't you play with us then?" The older haitani whispered in his ear before he got a punch in the face. "No thanks, Haitani. I already got enough cock before Draken and the others left."

Takemichi stood up and went to the coffee room, "haha maybe I'll drink some coffee while Draken-kun is away." He giggled maniacally as he went up to the coffee machine and found a note on it. "Don't even try Takemichi. If you want, there's milk in the fridge."

"Are you serious?! Damn you Draken!!" He crumpled the note and threw it in the trash can before crossing his arms. "Now what'll I do?.." Takemichi tried to think of something to do before Rindou came inside the coffee room with a mug on his hands.

"Ah, Takemichi. Why are you here?" The younger Haitani asked before Takemichi smirked and put on an innocent smile, "Rin-San~ is that coffee?" The blue-eyed gambler walked up to Rindou who arched his eyebrows, thinking why Takemichi suddenly had a nickname for him.

"Yes..?" Rindou answered hesitantly as he stepped back. Takemichi just walked forward with the smile still on his face. "You know that it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon right? You won't get any sleep at night if you drink more coffee, so just give it to me won't you?" Takemichi held out his hand.

"Then what about you..?" Rindou tried to hide the mug from Takemichi who frowned before his eyes started to water. "E-eh What—" "come on just give me coffee please!! I've never even tried it!! Draken always makes me drink milk and I'm sick of it!!" Takemichi just bawled his eyes out while Rindou panicked and gave him the mug without thinking.

"Yey! Thanks Rin-San!" Takemichi stopped crying and walked out the room while Rindou was left there trying to process what just happened. "I have a bad feeling about this.."

30 minutes Later

Rindou took his phone out of his pocket and answered the call. "Hello?" "Rindou, can you check up on Takemichi? By the time we get back he better be sleeping. Don't give him any coffee. At. All. Okay? If you do, I'm gonna kill you." Draken ended the call without giving Rindou any time to answer.

"Oh shit." Rindou hurriedly went to find Ran and found him buying grape juice from a vending machine. "Ran!! Fuck, you need to help me!" Rindou panted while the older just stared amused at the disheveled other.

"What do you need my baby brother? And you'll have to pay me back later." Ran opened the can of grape juice and drank from it. "Welliaccidentallygavetakemichiacupofcoffeebuthtnedrakencalledmejustnowandtoldmethatishouldntgivtakemichianycoffeeandhe'llkillmeifidoandnowihavetocheckuponhim—"

"Yo, wait just a minute. Slow down I can't fuckin understand you." Ran again drank his grape juice while Rindou sighed and said, "I gave Takemichi coffee when Draken said to not give him any and now he's gonna kill us—" Ran spurted out his drink at Rindou's face, "WHAT?!"

5 minutes later

Ran and Rindou were taking a peek at Takemichi's bedroom, it was an absolute mess. All his clothes and shoes were scattered and the bed was getting crushed by Takemichi who was jumping on top of it.

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