A Reason To Live Again.

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Thea and Jodie have decided to move to the island, they told Shasta that they will send money if they can get someone to build a brick house? Shasta tells them to leave it with her, she will fund the build according to their plans and they can sort the final payment on the day they move in. Shasta is searching for a contractor to come out and start the building work. Thea and Jodie don't want anything large, they want a one level property near the sea. The builder tells Shasta it'll cost in the region of twenty thousand, that's the building and five thousand for the workers each, it'll take a month maybe two months to build. Thea tells Shasta she's happy with the price and she's happy with the blue prints and the colours. Their house is finally being built, it will have three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a lounge, kitchen and dining area. The builders are working faster than anticipated and they're ready to move in, in about two weeks. Thea and Jodie have a final evening with her dad and her brothers, they're due on the island in a couple of days. Thea told Shasta that she and Jodie don't want a nursery painted yet, they don't want anything baby related in the house. They want to wait until they're at least six months gone and the babies are healthy before they decorate a nursery.

Thea and Jodie are on the island, they love the house, they told Shasta and Monica that they'll pay a ground rent for the entire time the house is there. The couple refused saying, "think of it as a gift." Monica looks at the girls bellies and Thea is showing a little, but that's because she's a little thinner than Jodie. The couple were very sick for a few weeks but it stopped after switching to synthetic blood. Monica asks, "where are we to find synthetic blood here?" Jodie says, "relax, we will be sent an endless supply until the babies are born." Monica asks, "by whom?" Thea says, "the witches created it. It tastes like normal blood, neither of us could keep any down in the beginning. Then the witches gave us the blood and it contains some herbs." Monica says, "that's a relief, how will they send it?" Thea says, "they'll send it magickally, they won't be able to post it." Monica tells them as long as they have a supply until their new blood arrives, then all should be fine. Shasta also says, "when you're ready to give birth, to save you guys some money, you can have our bassinets, the babies clothes if they're boys, I'm not sure if you're having a sexing scan?" Jodie replies, "the witches have told us what we'll have?" Shasta replies, "so, what are you guys having?" Jodie and Thea look at each other, "we're not going to reveal until they're born, neither of us want to jinx it." Jodie tells Shasta, "once the babies are born, that we can run some kind of daycare, it means Thea and i can work? Angelica, Virginia and Zina can work too? What do you think? Thea and i can work faster than all your staff put together, we can make this island into a little haven of tranquility. It's mad how it's full of humans, ex demons and vampires now?" Shasta laughs, "that's true. I'll talk it over with Monica and see what she thinks?"

Shasta tells Monica what Jodie suggested and Monica says, "that's a great idea, we can even allow the staff to use it. They can save the money they use on outside daycare. It'll give them more wages to spend on other things." Shasta tells Jodie that her idea is great and they'll use it once their babies are born. Jodie and Thea's pregnancies are growing faster now, their baby bumps are very visible, they listen in on the babies heartbeats every day, they seem very strong. The couple are around seven months gone, they've eight weeks to go. Thea starts painting the nursery, Monica brings over the bassinets, they place them in Thea and Jodie's room until they're old enough to go in the nursery. Right after Monica brings in the bassinets, Thea goes into labour, being eight weeks early, they ask around the island for a midwife and there happened to be a doctor on the resort. The doctor comes straight away, Thea is practically crowning, Thea pushed out her baby into the world with Jodie by her side, the doctor checks her over and looks at the couple the he says, "she's eight weeks early by your dates, but she is very healthy. I would advise a check up but I think she will be fine?" The couple get the ferry to the mainland and have midwives and doctors check them both over and she is perfectly healthy. Thea and Jodie bring their daughter home. On the way home, they decide on a name for her, they call her Edwina, as a nod to Edward. They call him and tell him that he has a granddaughter, for the first time in years, they hear an air of excitement in his voice. Edward tells the couple he will fly over with her brothers to meet her.

Thea and Jodie settle in with Edwina, Jodie can't wait to give birth to her baby soon. Thea is having trouble breastfeeding, but she doesn't know if it's because she's a vampire and can't produce milk? Thea asks her witch friend and she says, you'll have to get formula. The baby won't be able to feed from you. The witch explains your body does everything normally except for that, I'm afraid you'll need to get her some formula. Jodie goes to the store and buys several types of formula, she really likes the lactose free one. The couple settle her down to sleep and instead of breastfeeding they must have skin to skin contact to form a bond with her. Edward lands tomorrow with Thea's brothers, Thomas, Henry, Jasper and Jacob. Thor and Virginia have already met her, they adore her. Thea can't wait for her dad to meet her. Jodie tells her, "the good thing about Edwina being on formula, is we can all feed her, it'll be the same when this little one decides to make an appearance." Thea says, "I feel bad for not being able to feed her myself." Jodie says, "babe, don't knock it, after all we're dead, yet we gave life to the world?" Thea laughs, "that's true." Edward and the boys get off the ferry and walk towards Thea and Jodies quaint little house, as Monica tells them their rooms are ready. They've been warned one attempt at feeding at ninety seven point six, they're all toast. They all promised to be on their best behaviour, they know never to embarrass their father. Edward and the boys put all their stuff in their rooms, they walk across the little patch of forest, they knock on the door and walk in, they see the little one and Thea's brother swoop towards her, they almost wrestled her away from each other. Edward looks at his sons, "hand over my granddaughter, I need to look at her." The lads handed her over, Edwards eyes swelled up, tears streamed down his face and he says, "you little one, you're beautiful, you remind me of your beautiful grandmother, my beloved wife. You have your mothers eyes, my beloveds lips and her porcelain skin. I smell you, I smell my blood running through your veins, you my little one, as well as the other sibling yet to be born, will be the most protected members of this family. I'm so happy right now. I was against this, but I'm glad I had a disobedient daughter, she gave me the most precious gift ever, a reason to live. A reason to get out of the ancestral home and start living again."

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