Thor's New Discovery.

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It took two months for the house to be built from the foundations up, they created a four bedroom house, they add parts as they go along. The island doesn't have any shops or any other humans, they need to get a ferry to mainland for groceries, they spend weekends on the mainland to socialise. The couple invite Edward and his family to the island, Edward declines but Thor, Thea and Jodie join them on occasions, during a night out on the mainland, Thor meets a woman, she is beautiful she knew what he was from the moment she met him. Thor asked her how did she know, she replies, "your kind have wandered this side of the world for centuries, I am human but I've always wanted to meet and fall for a vampire. Thor doesn't know how to respond but they do have a lot of sex but he's not falling for her, she isn't falling for him either, but she knows of a vampire that he might be interested in? Thor asks the woman to be introduced to her. The woman named Nina brought the woman to Thor and they both almost fainted. "Thor, what are you doing here?" Thor can't get his words out, "Virginia, I thought you were dead years ago?" Virginia replies, "that's rich, given that I am dead. Thanks to your bitch sister." Thor looks at her, still disbelieving it's her, how, when?"

Thor composed himself, tell me everything. Virginia explains that when she couldn't get pregnant, she went to tell him. The family were at their feeding time, when Virginia walked into the room and Edward screamed to get out. Virginia then goes to the fridge, where Thea always put blood in the wine, she liked how it tasted. Virginia pours a glass of wine she drank it, she called Thea a monster on the way out and she snapped her neck. Thea then buried her. Virginia digs her way out of the shallow grave, she sees a passerby and the hunger was too powerful and she fed from him. That was the completion of her transition. Virginia then says, "Thor, I always suspected what you were, but I never had the balls to ask you. I always thought it was strange you guys had a family meal and I was left waiting until you finished." Thor reaches out and hugs her, they both fall into each other's arms and go for a long walk. As they walked, Virginia begged him to not be angry with Thea. Virginia assured Thor that she has had an amazing life, she has missed him terribly but knowing his father she was afraid to write or call. Thor tells Virginia that he will be having a word with Thea, he promised that he won't be angry with her. Virginia says, "after all she never knew I drank the wine. Thea thought that she was saving the family from exposure and she was right. Also, we're back together, that's the most important thing." Thor is finally calmed down and he and Virginia book into a hotel to catch up with what they've been doing all these years. Thea caught up with Thor, she knocks on his room door and she hears a voice she knows so well, Thea opens them door, she looks at Virginia, "what the actual..." Thea couldn't finish her sentence and Thea asks, "how are you alive? I snapped your neck." Virginia says, "that night I walked in and caught you guys feeding, i fled into the kitchen. I drank some of the wine you all drank from, when you snapped my neck and buried me in a shallow grave, a grave I had to claw my way out of, I had to kill Thea, I killed an innocent Maori tribesman. I soon learned what I was. I fled to Europe, I traveled all over, I found Bulgaria and I have been here ever since. Theres a huge vampire presence here, some I turned, some I haven't. I forgive you, Thor is working on forgiving you. I'm just glad I'm reunited with the love of my life. So, go Thea. I need time alone with your brother and he needs alone time from you." Thea leaves the room in shock and tells Shasta and Monica whats just been discovered.

Thea and Thor sit down with Virginia, Thor tells Thea he's forgiven her. Thor brings Virginia to meet Monica, Shasta and Jodie. They head to the house, the same house Virginia has lived in with other vampires for decades. Thor and Thea were the oldest of the bunch and they could tell, Thor warns them to stay away from Shasta and Monica otherwise they'll be killed in a fashion they knew so well. Virginia told everyone she never killed one human after waking up in that grave, it was to keep them in line, she walked to the nearest hospital after finding some clean clothes on a wash line, she washed by a stream and found the hospitals blood bank. Virginia promised everyone that the people she shares the house with are people she turned, she showed them the ways and kept them under control. The previous owner was a vampire, but he was killed for killing one of his own. Virginia ran a very tight ship. Shasta and Monica invited her over to the island, she said she would definitely come, she doesn't want to let Thor out of her sight again. On the way there, Virginia couldn't believe that Shasta used to be a demon, up until that point she just thought demons were religious bedtime stories to frighten young children. Shasta kinda agreed with her. Shasta even explained to her, there's no ex angel down there called Satan either, we have been floating around the universe since it began. The stories in the Bible are pure fabrication. Shasta did agree that a man named Jesus did exist though, he simply was a good man, he had the healing touch, but many of her kind discussed for thousands of years as to what he really was, they believe he simply was a born good witch, with a mission to help people. Shasta was asked by Virginia why was he crucified? Shasta said, "we always believed he was persecuted for witchcraft. You have to remember, the Bible was written and rewritten countless times, it's no wonder people are confused about its messages." Virginia tells her that made sense, more sense than what she was taught. Virginia told Shasta her father was a preacher, she was a Sunday school teacher and she couldn't ever make sense of the Bible, she told Shasta the dots don't connect as she knew the Bible inside and out. Virginia also explained, we've been lied to over and over about the existence of vampires and werewolves, I've seen wolves here, I've seen them change in the full moon. It's also untrue that there's been an eternal war between the species and their bite can harm us, it's just not true. Virginia told the group when she first arrived in Bulgaria, she watched a man and a woman change, they confronted her because they seen them change, she was bitten, Virginia tells them her wound healed like any other, it's those damn movies and books of fiction. It's to make the species war with each other, which none of us want.

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