The First Meeting

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Yes, wolf's in this chapter. 

Once again Luna stood in front of her school letting out a deep sigh.

Well today is going to be just great. I just know it.

This time, I'm going to act normal. I'm going to enter class before school starts, and I'm not going to run during lunch break. I'll act as normal as any other student.

Luna was completely drained due to all the drama and stress before, which was pretty visible by her face and body language.

If they want to bully me, I'll just befriend them or something. I'm pretty good at that. I'm sure. I saw a Tekken key chain on Myunsuk Lee's bag the other day. I'll just go and say something like, 'Hey, can you tell me what the teachers covered yesterday.' And before he can say anything, I'll go and say, 'Hey, you play Tekken? What level are you?' Something like that. People tend to be comfortable around similar people. Also, if I sound confident, it's going to be fine .... maybe... I hope.

She enters the class, this time a full 10 minutes before first period. Her tired and shy face still there. But there was nervousness this time too.

She entered the class and just stopped. Something was wrong. She started skimming the whole class. Her bangs allowed her to do that without it seeming too weird.

And what the hell is this sitting arrangement. It's like all the kids are trying to sit away from........ oh.

Wait, why is he here??? He's just sitting there... in my class. He wasn't in any of the classes before.

She nervously goes to the only empty seat.

Wait, there are supposed to be 30 seats in my class, these are 25, where did the other 5 go. Oh.... they were at the back of other lines.... away from..... Why did they change the whole sitting arrangement?

I should go back. No, that would be too weird now.

She sat down nervously. Putting her back pack beside her chair. She puts her head down on the table with her hands covering her head.

I'm tired. I didn't do anything to have the whole class singling me out like that. Well it's not like I wasn't singled out before. 

So my chair is still beside the window. I can escape easily. But it's still the second last seat from the back; in front of..... HIM. He's number 5th for a reason. There's no way I can escape this time.

For the whole next five periods, Luna was sitting there, heart beating, nervous, stressed, awkward.

Whatever, I'll just run like I do every day. I'm done stressing out so much. I'll do what my instinct tells me from now on. I have nothing to do with that guy...

It's lunch time. The teacher leaves the class. The whole class is in shock as to why Wolf decided to attend class today. The last time he attended class, it was 2 weeks ago.

But everybody knows not to stare, and mind their own business. The whole class desperately gets out of the class, and heads to the cafeteria.

Wait, I was going to get out of class first....

Now the only two people in the class are... me and.... Wolf Keum. 

She turns around for a split second, and gets back to her original position; that is headed forwards.

He's looking at me... Maybe it's because I bumped into him the other day...

She keeps sitting on her seat for some time. So does wolf. There's a weird awkwardness in the air. Until, Luna, decides to finally speak.

She turns around facing Wolf. Still not making eye contact. Her words as stuttering as ever.

"H- Hi... I- I was the o-one who bumped into you the d- day before yesterday. I-In the c-corridors. S-sorry a-about that. I-I should've b-been watching where I- I was going."

She doesn't make eye contact. Her head is still down, eyes going left and right from nervousness. Wolf's watching her, listening to her every word.

There, I finally said it.

Wolf stares at her through his gray eyes, that are shielded by a pair of glasses. Not making a single expression.

After a short moment of complete silence, he asks, "What's your name?" His tone completely still and cold, voice raspy.

"Huh? Oh... I-it's Luna... no Lun, I mean Lun, it's Lun." She managed to make eye contact this time... His face was still blank, no expression.

She quickly turned away her eyes, and when Wolf didn't say anything after that, she turned back facing forwards.

I accidentally revealed my female name... I hope he doesn't become suspicous.

She put her head down back again.

Wolf stood up and went out of the class. Now that the whole class was empty. She quickly ate the packed lunch she had bought that day. And got working on the test that was coming up.

Hmmm... I feel calm... a bit... too calm. 

I'm going to add loads of badass drama and bruh  and WTF moments in the coming chapters, so keep reading ya'll.

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