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The guest of honor is finally here then....

This guy really did make me wait a whole 9 hours. It's 3 PM. 

Don't I do him a ton of huge favors for absolutely no reason...

He does too tho... kind of... I think...

 Luna, was seriously tired by waiting 9 hours, just for a stupid interview.

Well I slept most of the time, right? I should go for the meeting now.

Wolf reluctantly parked his motorcycle right in the parking lot of the Yoeunaru building. He was fed up with Donald, acting like he was a loose canon or something. 

Gosh, Donald really goes for extra measures to keep me in check, while I'm the one who won't leave... I mean, monthly pocket money for free, is a pretty sweet deal.

He should keep an eye on that Jake instead... Jimmy too, he's been acting a bit loose lately.

Maybe he'll let it go... yeah, whatever.

Luna entered the parking lot, and eyed the whole wide space, looking for the purple haired boy.

Where is he? He didn't already go, right?


As wolf was placing his helmet onto his motorbike, she ran towards him and tugged onto his shirt...

"Who the f-"

He turned back, until his eyes met with hers...

"Hi. What's up." She said with her usual smile.

His expression quickly turned from annoyed, to calmed, but there was a hint of worry on his face. He was restless, about her being there.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"What do you mean, what the fuck am I doing here? I'm here for the meeting..."

"No I mean-"

"Let's just quickly meet this Donald Na... so you don't get in trouble with your boss... Then we can go eat ice cream. Cool? I'm starving."

"Ok, ice cream seems nice. BUT that's not important right now. How did you EVEN find this place?"

"Umm... I have my ways. But does that matter?"

"You CANNOT meet him. No fucking way.."

"And you CANNOT get your ass beat :) No fucking way. And give yourself some slack. It's not like your boss will murder you, right? ... I hope not."

He grabbed onto her shoulders. 


What the fuck? Donald? he could do anything. Nobody knows what goes on in that fucker's mind...

"What do you mean NO? I thought your boss called me in... so that means I'll go in. And I'm part of the Union too now :) thanks to you."


"Nah, don't worry, nothing'll happen... I won't say anything that'll provoke your boss. Everything's gonna be a  O K. I won't let your name be tarnished in front of your boss. Trust me." She said while giving him a thumbs up.

"But he's fucking dangerous..."

Honestly, look who's talking...

Luna gave him an little annoyed look...

"I AM going. Final."

"OK fine, whatever, I don't care..."

I do care....

"Cool, lead the way, boss."

"If you get into trouble... I'm not helping by the way... so don't say anything stupid. Do NOT provoke him. Do not SAY ANYTHING STUPID. Do not make him feel like you're out of his control or disobedient or something. Do NOT threaten him. Do not make him feel like you have some ulterior motives. Do not portray yourself like a mastermind. Play as dumb as you can. And do NOT provoke him.."

"You repeated that one."

"DO NOT disagree with him..."

"Geez, fine. I won't. Let's just quickly get this meeting over with. I'm seriously tired."

"I'll be there to help. I hope."

"Yeah, sure. Be there... I might need it."

"Please. Don't-"

She cut him of in the mdidle:-

"By the way, I need your number."

A small smile cracked through his worried face...

Fucking Finally!

"Yup, here you go."


Both Luna and Wolf were walking upstairs to head to Donald's office...

"So why did you come? You could've just NOT come... like you said before."

"Oh I didn't realize back then, you'd get in trouble with your boss..."

"But why are you doing this? Why are you helping me.."

"No reason. I just don't like to ABANDON people for absolutely no reason.. And come on we're on the same boat now, right?"

"No I do NOT want us to be on the same boat... It's dangerous."

"Geez, don't stress out so much. It's ok. And by the way, I can take care of myself, you don't have to worry so much."

"And by the way, this is the first time I'm helping you... so yeah. It can be payback for the dress." She said smiling.

"I thought you already paid back for-"

Oh yeah she doesn't know...

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