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Life is unpredictable. We never know when our roles will be reversed. At one point of her life she took taehyung's help to cope up her breakup but now she became the person to give him strength.

After he broke down in front of mina, she decided to bring his old self back. If not old self atleast a new one but not this taehyung who is in constant pain.

Talking to namjoon about her plans to take him out of the house and how she need his help to continue office work instead of taehyung for few more days, she felt relieved with his answer and packed everything for the trip.

When she asked him to get ready he didn't asked for any questions but just obeyed her and followed until airport.

Even on plane he didn't asked for any questions but once he realised the place they landed he felt pain.

"Mina. Why??" he asked while she is taking their luggage and walking out of the airport to the car.

"We have to do this tae. You know that too" she said.

He opened his mouth to say something but soon closed accepting it.

After long travel they reached a small beach house. Looking at the familiar house taehyung hesitated once again to get inside.

Watching how he halted mina took his hand and gave him a nod saying 'it's okay'.

It is the house that he designed for sana according to her tastes and it is the very first construction from their company. He poured all his love in the design. It is his 3rd anniversary gift to her. They often come to this place when ever they wanted to have alone time. Every inch of the place is filled with her memories.

" I can't do it" he said looking at their photo placed on the wall. She went to his side looking at the same picture that she she took of them and said " I don't want you to forget her tae. Honestly ,Sana wouldn't want it too. We want you to take it out all the pain and finally move on. She would want you to be happy even without her. I want you to be happy even if they are just memories."

They both looked at each other and then he realised how much pain he have caused to her. Although mina tends to act tough and strong ,he knows it all just by looking at her eyes what she is feeling. Taking care of minkii while he being an idiotic mess she has suffered for both of us although there is no need of it.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Why are you suffering with me. You can leave us and no one would blame you. Why are doing this?" He asked.

She smiled while her eyes becoming watery " Because I love you guys" she said.

A drop of tear falling on her cheek moved his heart. " I lost Sana and I couldn't do anything about it. I lost my best friend and I don't want to loose another one" she said while her tears are dropping synchronously.

Understanding what she meant and how much she suffered by two people that she loved most , he pulled her into a tight hug and said " I am sorry. I am such an idiot. I should have seen what you are going through. I promise you that I will change . If not for me I will change at least for you " .

She lifted her head and moved it indicating no and said " no, you should change for minkii. I don't want her to grow up with a father who doesn't care about her" .

Realising the responsibility he left he cried a bit and nodded and yes.

Spending in the house brought so many memories of Sana to both of them. They smiled,cried and reminisced everything they three did together for next entire week before going to back to their normal lives with new personalities.


Hi all,

Hehehe , sorry for the late update. I am extremely busy with my work and don't have time .

I took sometime to give small update just to show that I am not dead 😅.

Anyway, I am so happy with latest english single "the feels"💃. It is a perfect concept that resembles twice energy and I loved it ❤️

Thanks for the prom😍😍

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