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MINA'S pov:

I woke up suddenly hearing a loud thud and minkii crying voice. Getting scared about what could have happened, I ran to the room where she is and opened the door.

"T-Taehyung" I shouted at sana's husband.

All I can see is gloomy face of Taehyung looking at his crying daughter and stood there with a broken alcohol bottle.

I quickly ran to baby side and took her in my arms ignoring the fact that I stepped on those broken pieces.

"what are you doing to your daughter? " is all I could be able to say looking at him. Did he tried to kill her?

I moved away from him and gave minkii to the caretaker who came running to the room hearing the loud noises.

Mina: calm her down and look if she is hurt any where. I will be down in few minutes.

She nodded and took the baby from me. I didn't wasted any time and went directly to his side took hold of his shirt dragging the tall men to bend down to face me.

"Did you tried to kill her?" I asked him making sure that he looks into my eyes. But all he did is avoid me. I once again dragged him down with his shirt making sure that he gets intimidated by my gaze. No matter what happens both my friends know that once I gave them a serious look then it means that they shouldn't be playing any jokes with me. I might be silent and shy but when I am angry then no one should try to mess with me.

"I am asking you Mr. Kim Taehyung" I asked once again with more intimidating tone. "she killed her" he said with no emotions. Loosing someone that you love might make you loose your rational thinking and I can see that taehyung lost his mind along with sana. Blaming a kid who has nothing to do, this shows how much her absence effecting him.

"She is your daughter tae. Sana and you gave birth to her. She is all that we have now. How can you hate her?" I said crying while he hold both my hands and swiftly released himself from my grip.

"I never asked any of this and you know that. We can make a choice, we can stop her from doing what she wanted to do. She took her decision and she left me alone with that baby. I was never there in any of her decisions mina. I never wanted any of this. I never wanted her to leave me and now I don't want the baby too" he said shouting with all his mighty.

This is a new side of him that I never saw. Although we have known each other for 8years I never saw him like this and now I don't know what can I do.

"But we promised sana that we will take good care of her -" I got cut off while talking "you promised her not me. You made your own decision just like how she did and never considered my feelings. So why should I suffer for your decision" he said.

"leave me alone mina. I want to be alone" he said going back his bed and I couldn't able to speak anymore. As much as I am angry for his foolish thinking I don't have time for him.

I left his room and went to minkii who stopped crying. "Is she hurt any where?" I asked caretaker while checking the baby myself.

"No mam. She is fine. It looks like your the one that got injured" she said looking at my feet that are bleeding.

I sat on chair while making sure minkii is okay while the caretaker brought first aid kit and started treating my leg.

Time went on and it is night. After a while I asked caretaker to bring milk for the baby which she did and I started feeding her.

I wonder how our future will be from now  onwards. With all the hatred that he showed to her daughter I don't think we can form a family for minkii. Sana! What do you want me to do? I said to myself while feeding her baby.

With minkii with me I distracted myself from unnecessary thoughts.

"He didn't came out of his room" said the caretaker taking the sleeping baby from my hands to keep her in bed in my room. Taehyung didn't came out his room for the entire day.

I want to go in and talk to him but I couldn't able to do it. Although he is suffering I want himself to cure his pain.

"Leave him for now. He needs to be alone right now" I said to her. I went to my room and lay on my bed. I am soo close to these two so they decided to create a room just for me in there own house. Whenever I come I used to stay in this room. I never expected things to turn out like this and I will be staying here forever.


So many of you are asking for taemina story. So, it will be taemina again😅.

Hope you will like it.

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