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Five years later

"Hi best friend. How are you? I am fine. Recently I have been missing you a lot and I don't know the reason. Do you miss me?" Mina said sitting beside Sana's grave and looking at her.

"Every one are fine. I am taking care of your parents whenever I can so they don't feel lonely. Our friends miss you too. Minkii has grown a lot since you saw her the last time. She started understanding everything around her slowly. As she started talking the first thing she said is 'Mom' . I wish you were there to hear it" mina said wiping her tears.

"Me? I am doing good. I have been taking care of minkii well.  My life is busy with work and minkii. Tae is doing physically good but mentally he still needs a support. For some reason I couldn't able to be that person for him. We started drifting apart since you left us. Other than taking care of minkii we don't have nothing in common to talk about. I don't know how long I can do this . I am planning to stay until tae gets married again. I will leave to American once things things get settled down. Don't worry I will still be looking out for minkii. "  She said looking at her friends grave.

As she realised that it is getting late she stood up and gave last look to her friend "Once again Happy Birthday Sana" she said and went back to her car not realising that someone is out there listening to her till now.

As soon as she reached home she saw minkii waiting for her at the entrance. Once minkii looked at mina she started running towards her mother for a warm hug. " Mummy . Where are you till now? I didn't find you as soon as reached home" minkii asked with bright teary eyes. Realising that she is going to start crying soon she took her baby , lifted her up and started entering the house saying " I want to meet a good friend of mine".
"Who is she? You always talk about her . I want to meet your friend too" she said in a cute voice.

Laughing at her cuteness she said "sure". As soon as she entered the hall she met with a tall familiar back talking in Phone. As soon as thier eyes met he ended the call and came running to mina like he was worried.

"Where have you been?" He asked in a low deep yet worried voice. She offered him to hold minkii and answered him " I went to your house. You know it is Sana birthday so I met her parents at you house" making sure that he heard that it is Sana birthday today. Ignoring her words he took his daughter and asked again " Then why did you took so long to come home?" He asked giving making a poker face that kind of irritates her at times as it is not how he used to look at her. Still she answered him " it started raining when I am about to start for home. Everyone is worried that I might get into some accident so they wanted me to wait until it stops." He nodded.

As soon as they realised that minkii is sleeping he offered that he will take her to her bed so mina can get changed and go to bed . She agreed but she said she want to talk to him for 10 mins before going to bed. He agreed and said they can talk after she gets changed.

After she took bath and gets changed to comfortable dress she went to hall to look for him but couldn't able to find him. She realised that he would be in his room so knocked on the door and entered after she heard him saying to come in.

She took a chair near his bed where he used to work late nights and sat infront of home while he is still immersed with his work. As soon as she said that she wanted to talk to him he stopped what he was doing and paid complete attention to her " I know it's been 5 years since Sana died and you still love her but I think it is time for you to move on. Instead of showing your anger on work I want you to try dating again and meet a new girl who could be great wife to you and great mom to minkii too. She is just 5 now . As she grows up she will realise that we are not married but just her mother friend acting as her mother will hurt her more . Before that happens you have to marry some one."she said looking into him.

His facial expression didn't changed a bit. It's like he new where this is going to end. " You want me to marry again?" He asked to which she nodded. " Did my parents agreed to it?" He asked to which said " I told them today when I met them. At first they were hesitant for some reason but after talking to them they were okay with it". He took sometime in observing her face and asked "Do you think that is what I need to do?" . She was taken back by his question. It's like he is asking for her suggestion whether to get married or not. Although she is surprised she is determined to get him marriaged again so she nodded. He stood up and went to his bed before saying "okay. I will get married".

She is surprised again as she didn't thought it would be this easy to get him aggreed. She got prepared for a long speech but it looks like she didn't need to worry a thing. Happy with his answer she said "We will talk more about this tomorrow morning. You sleep now. Good night"  and left to her room .

She laid down on her bed thinking about what happened today and when she recollected her memory of tae agreeing to get remarried her heart felt heavy. She felt sad all of a sudden. She closed her eyes saying to herself "i thought I lost my feelings for him but I guess they are still here".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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