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Italics - - past


Author's pov:

"mina" a familiar voice called out her name which made her to turn, only to look at a young bubbly sana running towards her. As she caught up with her she linked their arms and smiled at her. "I told you to wait for me. We can go to school together" she said. She met sana few days back when her family became her neighbours. The only thing they have common in them is that they both are the only child in their family, other than that they don't have anything similar in them. She is extreme introvert while sana is outgoing extrovert. Maybe that is the reason why she behaves as she adopted mina and made sure she is not alone. She treats her more like a baby more than a friend but strangely mina never hated it. That's how their friendship started.

Mina came out of her thoughts when she hears a knock on her door. Looking at her surroundings realising where she is, she took a quick look at the sleeping baby and made her way to door. A worried maid met her struggling to form her words.

"what happened?" asked mina. "Mr. T-Taehyung locked his door and is not opening. I have been knocking but there is no response. I am scared of something might have happened to him" she said with worry on her face.

Mina hurriedly went in front of his door and tried to open it but sure it is locked. She turned back to the maid and  guided her about the place where sana keeps the keys and asked to bring it to her. With that the maid left and mina started banging on the door hard.

"Taehyung open the door" she shouted but there is no response. "I swear if I found that you are just playing I will kill you with my bare hands. Now come on open the door" another silence railed up her anger. She started thinking the worst that could happen but soon regained herself when maid came with the keys.

Hurriedly she started using the keys one after one to open the door. She soon found the right key and when door is unlocked, she opened the door and met with the darkness. Not minding anything she ran to his bed with her prior knowledge of where it could be in the room while maid ran to windows side to open the curtains that will let them see the room.

Mina was sturtled looking at Taehyung. His room is a mess filled with empty alcohol bottles and everything is on the ground while he slept on bed. She tried to look at his pluse and was relieved that he is alive. He was just sleeping.

She looked at the maid and gave her a nod indicating that he is alright. A look of relief plastered her face. "Make a hangover soup" mina ordered her to which she obliged and started seeing her way out of the room. Before she completely went out of the room mina asked her to take the key of taehyung room and keep in mina's room. She did as she was asked and left the room with them two alone.

Mina tried to shake him so that he can wake up but he just ignored her and was sleeping like a baby. She stopped waking him up and silently sat beside him thinking about the past.

"I am going to Korea"  mina said to sana who is eating her favourite ice cream. "what?" she asked in a puzzled manner. "I got admitted the college that I told you before. I am going to Seoul next month." she said. "Next month is too early" sana said with a sulking face. "I thought we are going to stay together for rest of our lives" sana stated as a murmer which didn't escaped mina's ears. She chuckled at her friend and said "I told you to apply to my college. We both would have joined same college. Completed our course. Could get jobs maybe in same company and that way we could have stayed together forever. You are the one who betrayed me". "I don't want to go to Korea" sana said with an upset face. "But I don't want to stay away from you too" she added to her last statement. Mina chuckled and opened her arms to get a warm hug to which sana gave in. "I know. I am sorry that I am leaving you here. I will miss you too. But I will promise you that after my studies we will stay together" mina said hugging her only beat friend. "Even after marrying someone else too?" sana asked. Mina broke the hug and nodded "ofcourse! Even after marriage. Infact death is the only thing that can seperate us".

Mina chuckled at their talk before moving to Korea. "Death really seperate us. Isn't it?" she said looking at the sana wedding photo that is laid on ground. She took it and placed it back where it originally supposed to be. "Would things have been different if I didn't asked you to come with me to Korea?" mina asked more like questing her decision.

As days passed and soon mina left to Korea to join her college. She took an apartment that is near to her college and settled down. As soon as she done with arranging things in her room she took her phone and tried to call sana but strangely it is switched off. She didn't thought much about it and slept for that day. Her college starts in next two days and she is trying to adjust to new environment in Korea. For the past two days sana replies reduced a lot and she never picked her call. Mina started to feel that the distance between them is effecting their friendship. She thought sana started forgetting her. On the day of college she went to her destined department and sat in middle row with an empty seat beside her. She is early and still have time to think about sana. When she isn't focusing on the people passing around her a familiar voice brought her back to reality. "Is this seat taken?". Mina looked at the face and was shocked to even respond while the owner of the voice started grinning. Soon she was able to form a smiling face and said "Yes. It is for my best friend". "Ow!! Then I think I can have this seat. Thanks for waiting mina" said sana sitting beside her.

"You never said you are going to this college" mina asked. "I just wanted to see your surprise pikachu face" sana said laughing at her face. "And you know you can't live for a day without me" sana states with a grinning face. Mina rolled her eyes to her saying " More like you can't live without me". That's have they both reconciled once again in Korea.


I am late this time. This chapter went more like misa story. I wanted to explain how strong their friend ship is. Will try to include past incidents of main characters in upcoming chapters too.

Thank for waiting ❤️

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