~ 13. To my childhood memories ~

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It'd been awhile that I was examining the lollipop by every angel and each feature of it. I was recalling my childhood memories about that lollipop. I didn't have much memories about mom in my life since I was very young when she passed away, I didn't have much memories about her. Lollipop was the only topic that I could relate with her

* How can this be just like the one mom gave me? *
I pondered at the pink shining plastic had the same logo of the one I kept. I was amazed by that accidence and I didn't hear what driver said

Driver: Lady, we're arrived
His cautious reminder took my instinct back to the reality and I shyly apologised

Y/n: Oh, sorry. Here's the cash
I cashed for the ride and hopped out rushing into the house wondering if the logos were the same or I was just seeing some illusions. When I stepped in the house, Diamond, who was in the kitchen meowing piteously to Miranda for her lunch, scrolled to my feet swiftly, rubbing her silky fur to my jean

I smugly giggled and picked her up in my arms caressing her head delicately. She snuggled into my chest and Miranda pouted behind the kitchen counter at the view

Miranda: See Mrs. Diamond. You're clinging onto me, just one minute ago. And now that I am abandoned over your true love
Miranda frowned and barked at Diamond pointing her index to the cute kitty. They were very interestingly funny and for awhile, I forgot my purpose of rushing into the house

Y/n: Ah, Miranda, I have something to do. Make her lunch, huh
I pleaded and passed the fluffy to her

Miranda: So your true love has something more important to do than you. Now that, you're with your second love
Miranda poked the kitty's snout and provoked the innocent creature taunting childishly. They looked cute and adorable in such pointless fight

Miranda: You don't want me?
Miranda asked disappointing and the kitty roared rejecting her question

Miranda: Oh, now you're growling at me ma'am? Ok, let's see what'll be your reaction in front of your lunch
Once she said, she picked up the cat bowl and added some dry food scoring the drooling stare from Diamond. That cuty was withered and sad at the vengeance of resentful housemaid

Miranda placed the bowl near Diamond's snout and let her smell. Then when Diamond attempted to get closer, she dragged it away leaving Diamond in her dream of anticipation

* Oh, why am I still here? *
I remembered and focused my nerves to the old plan cutting off my eyes from the reality or somehow variety show. I ran pass the stairs and rushed in the bedroom. I couldn't find that. I definitely took it from my old house but I didn't see it anywhere and I got sweaty. But I didn't give up and continued searching it in all my luggage and bags. I didn't remember where I placed it but for sure I took it from the old house

* Think, think think *
I exerted a better answer but I got exhausted and depressed under the tiredness. I pressed my palms on the bedframe and depended my whole body on my hands in a bending position. I realized that I forgot to breath and immediately I let my hair down and the air filled my lungs. Then I loosened up my grip on my hands and let the gravity pulled me to the bed. Then I turned around and pressed my back to the bedsheets fixing my gaze at the ceiling. Slowly and gradually I felt my body enlightened and levitated in the air

* How could I forget that? I gotta find it. I need to. I have to *
After the additional thoughts of exhaustion, I drifted off


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