~ 35. Sarcastic ~

25 11 5

Chanyeol: It's too much, hon
Like a little puppy, Chanyeol pouted his lips forwards just like a duck. It was a protesting against the way I reasoned as because of the traffic back at the noon, and still here, he's complaining about it at night. It's unnecessary for sulking and that was a way of amusing me seeing him pout like this

Y/n: Like wise?
The clock on the nightstand was clicking past ten when I threw myself on the silkies of the duvet, but he had himself sitting straight on the bed like a stone

Chanyeol: Why can't you say adoringly to me?
It had me perceiving for awhile to process his query

Y/n: Adoringly? Yeol, what do you mean?
He humped out of no where. The bed bounced upwards jolting up my body and the duvet in the process, as the blanket came to collide my face suffocating me with suddenness

Chanyeol: I like it. Yeol. But I want more
Scratching his nape gently avoiding my gaze with shyness taking place all over his face features. A smile reigned my lips maintaining to smile staring at his damn beautiful face. The only thought that could exist in my brain was biting his neck

* Awwwww I can't. You're so adorable *

Chanyeol: I call you babe. You call me Yeol
With a little shrug on my shoulders, I continued to stare at him with all ears

Chanyeol: I call you hon. You call me Yeol
That was also a truth. Yeol was the only nickname I gave him in our relationship and he seemed to be so-not-happy about it

Chanyeol: Even when I call you Y/n, you call me Park Chanyeol
The rasp was running in his tone as if his voice was going to go down in a second

Y/n: Park Chan Yeol?
Mumbling nonchalantly about the way I used to call him, my mind wandered to nothingness

Chanyeol: See. You call me freaking Park Chanyeol
There seemed to be too much griefs about the way I recklessly called him

Y/n: Yeol, you want me to call you babe?
It's an obvious question to be honest. Of course, he wanted me to call him babe. Silly me

Chanyeol: If it's possible, I wanna hear you calling me hubby
The thin line he pressed between his lips while holding his breath got pale in a second

Y/n: You wanna hear?
Nodding rapidly like a child, he had my insides churned and greasy

Chanyeol: It's the thing I want most
Cuteness had already overloaded at this point and he should've seen himself in that state

Y/n: Hubby is a little too much. Babe?
There's a slump of light over his expression

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