~ 25. Love ~

46 13 16

Seokyun: Oh, darling, how could you? That's such a tactlessness
Her own husband rectified herself in the mid halfway to the real scold of his grandson beforehand, with a crouched position reclining his body upon the seat she was taking place, and yanked his chin up to at least solicit a mercy of cruelty upon the foolish young boy

Jongin: Omg, I didn't mean that way. Look at me, I'm the heir of this family since I'm only grandchild, and at the end, I'll have to inherit the family business. Will I not?
The young suppressed boy spoke convincingly before his grandparents, quite having a doubt upon the heritage according the taunt his dear granny gifted him, seemingly about to break down in tears right here and there impeccably and sanctimoniously, who should never be sullied in a bliss of sin. Quite unpretentious he was. With the harsh footsteps like stomps came out of his pair of glinting silver Nike shoes. Like every other high schoolers, he was fully experiencing the life of teenaged hormones at the puberty, with such highs and lows of mood swings

" Cute "
I mumbled amusingly staring at his back figure fading way towards the entrance of the locale


Y/n: Thanks for the everything you gifted me in this whole day. It was, quite deluxe having all your care. But I'm afraid I gotta go now. Thank you again
The breaking up always hurts and I felt quite bad for leaving the happy tryst only graced with troubles of love and cherish. No one wouldn't want to refuse the effects and affects of being love and loving back, seemed quite frank and chaotic but everyone was enjoying their moments as best as they could harvest

Seokyun: Oh dear, take care on the way back home. It's getting dark
Again, the exceeded concern to non blood related stranger. I wondered how they were so priggish and amicable. Something between the fact that mom was quite good regular customer, since I begged for candy for almost all the days at my youth, and that they were the intuitive upon everyone around in their environment, almost allured me to have a family to comfort me at my petulant loneliness which didn't allow me to love again. Envious life they got there which might provoke others' lack of love

Jongin: Happy huh?
The taunting colour of his tone succeeded to freak me out of my character, but didn't conquered to step me away from hitting him

Y/n: You little piece of shit
In the fastest speed of I could produced, I smacked his head completely taking advantage of his unexpected gaze and godlessness

Jongin: The heck? Woman, you hit me again. Have you lost your mind?
The young boy fumed a blast in infuriation suppressing his head with his palm literally serious over his expression

Y/n: You better avoid scaring me, or next time it'll be worse
I retorted right after his blame, really wasn't thinking if I was hard upon the youth, and on the other hand, him hissing and swishing in slight unutterable pain not like he's a boy, like a fragile KG girl weeping before her bully

Jongin: Whatever
The victim attempted to avoid his hunter gyrating his direction inward the house, still kneading his injured  head side. I heard him swearing multiple curses just when he ditched my face from his sight strolling back to his house

Y/n: Wait, wait. Where's your parents?
At the period of evening sunset, the boy should be embracing into his mom or arguing with his dad about the grades he received from the last CET of previous month, but no one was there and it spurred my curiosity to wonder about his life. That was a little intriguing and invading since I was an outsider, but it wouldn't stop me wondering, hence something about him was welcoming and caring, something that indulged me to protect him

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