The Visitor

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Because of the viral video, I'm dying to check on my phone now, but it's not with me. Seung Ho doesn't know about it either. It's active when he tries to call it but nobody picks up the call. I remember that I set it on silent mode because I never want any noise from it when I work at the cafe. It's just distracting.

"Noona, I'll go back to Deja Brew," he shows a video sent by one of our employees that people are lining up for coffee and they really need extra hands.

"Alright. Go. I'll be fine here. Chae Yoon will come over later, I asked her to brought me fresh clothes. It's not that I can leave this place. Just..collect my wallet, it's still inside the cashier's locker."

"Do you want me to buy you a new phone?"

"No. No need to. Maybe that guy has it."

"How do you know him, by the way? It's just you and me now, tell me."

"I don't know him, Seung Ho. Well, I- I met him by chance, once, and we didn't even exchange names. He didn't exactly know my name, did he? Maybe he just recognized me, something like that."

Looks like he doesn't buy it, but he drops it anyway. Tae Gu and Chae Yoon left earlier, and with people lining up for coffee, I don't want us to lose the opportunity to earn more cash just because Seung Ho stays with me here, while I'm doing all fine.

Before leaving the room, he nudges to an extra bed provided for the family of the patient at the corner of the room, "I'd sleep here tonight."


Around two hours later when I'm dead bored watching TV, someone knocks on the door and slowly it swings open. I thought it's the nurse, or maybe someone sent by J-One as Seung Ho told me before, but it isn't.

It's the CEO himself.

Compared to the viral video I saw, he looks different now. I believe he has taken a shower, all clean and fresh and gosh- delicious. He wears a light blue shirt and white pants- who looks good in white pants? But he does! carrying a bouquet in his hand.

He smiles, and I smile back awkwardly. I dislike him that night at Eclectic but he just saved my life, so I think, there is no reason to act childish screaming I bloody hate you now.

"Can I come in?" he asks.

I nod, and he closes the door. My heart beats faster than usual when he walks approaching me and stands so close next to my bed. Awkwardly he hands me the flowers.

"I hope you like it. I...don't know what to bring you here."

"Thanks," not going to lie, these pink peonies are very beautiful.

I love white lilies, but now pink peonies are my favorite. Since when? Since now.

"Why are you here?" I ask, "I thought you'll send your staff here. I just found out who you are."

"Who am I?"

"You're J-One's CEO, aren't you?"

He smiles, "it's a personal visit. I just want to check on you. No worries, no one from J-One will come and disturb your rest, everything has been taken care of. So... how are you?"

"I'm fine. Thanks for rescuing me, though."

"I'm sorry," he mutters.

"For what?"

"For this mess. It was from a tenant's pantry- the fire. But it was so close to the elevator."

"So technically the fire incident wasn't your company's fault. But why are you-"

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