{ ~ Introduction ~ }

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POV: Franz Xaver {Wolfgang} Mozart


Music, it has always been a part of my life ever since the day I was born.
Growing up, I've had this longing to become the great man my excellent father once was, a musician as well as a confident and loving man, a great husband and father. Unfortunately, my beloved father passed away when I was only an infant, so sadly I can't recall any memories of the good man. My mother and my older brother Karl, who is 7 years my senior have always tried to give me an insight on what my father was like. They told me countless stories from his witty jokes, billiard parties with friends, his brotherhood (Freemasonry), and his endless exuberance.

But there was also a negative side to my father's brief life. Being the genius he was, my father was plagued by jealousy and accusations. This, as well as the many other issues in his life from debt, rejection, death (of my poor siblings in particular), and politics all combined, absorbed my poor father and brought him to his premature death. Although the death of my father has been a mystery for many years, there have been countless speculations of the cause from outbreaks, to miliary fever, severed liver (possibly from the heavy drinking), and the most famous one, poisoning. Even my poor delirious father also believed he'd been poisoned, but he wasn't in a proper state for this to be believable.

I've been curious about my father's last few months of living, what had drove him to become who he'd become, but every time I brought up the subject to my mother, she would either yell at me or burst into tears. Anything related to my father's last months was usually dismissed, and labeled an "unsuitable" topic to discuss with my family. My poor empty heart had always wanted to know more behind the genius before he succumbed to his tragic death. I knew that I was like my father in many ways, that we both shared an interest in music and that we both enjoy social life of some sort, and so I've been told we both act as our conscious dictated, whether it was music or getting by in life. And so I've also been told I've inherited my father's looks from his characteristic nose, to his big lively eyes, to the deformed ear in which I've grown more accepting of.

This is my journey to discover the lost world of my immortal father, his life as a wunderkind, and his bright world behind music. I am Franz Xaver Wolfgang, the son of the ever immortal, Mozart.


~ Remember this is only the introduction, I hope that you enjoy the rest of the story I've got planned! ❤ and i will also work on the other story as well! Thank you! 💖

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