~~ Part 2 ~~

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I covered my shoulders with my black cloak and made my way down 3 flights of steps, which never failed to leave me breathless at the end. I pushed open the door and stepped out, breathing in the cool morning air in Salzburg. "Wolfgang!" A voice behind me cried out. I turned.
"Off to Tomaselli my friend?" Johann put his warm gloved hands on my shoulders.
"I am indeed, are you going over the Herr Schneider's  for breakfast again? Can you tell him I said hello? Schön dich zu sehen." I stepped back and Johann took me by my hand. "You are to premiere your first concert in Vienna no?" Johann said, giving me direct eye contact.

I sighed knowing that Johann was after a revealing conversation in which, I wasn't in the mood for. "Tis good to see you Johann, I must be going before Frühstück comes to an end. Schönen Tag Johann." I tipped my hat and walk right past him as his petite wife watched me in confusion. Without looking back, I stepped closer to the busy Hauptstaße.
"Give my warmest regards to your dear mother Wolfgang!"
I acknowledged Johann's thoughtful remark and smiled.

I am usually a very social and a very resolute person, as my father once was, but I do enjoy my own time of relaxation and deep thinking, also another trait I inherit from my father. I crossed the busy street and walked into the Cafe.

"Ah! Wolfgang! Guten morgen meine junge!" I was immediately greeted by Simon and his wife Anna, and as always was given a great big bear hug by Simon. He hollered something to the kitchen staff in Italian, which I couldn't make out at the moment, and then he turned to face me with a friendly grin.
Simon and Anna were the current owners of the Cafe, passed down by their family for several years since the early 18th century, and knew my family quite well. They've told me stories about my late father, on how he would always stop for some Apple Strudel and Almomd Milk, and of my dearest grandparents, God Bless Their Souls, coming with two little golden headed entzükende kinder.

Our families have stayed in touch even after the passing of my beloved grandparents and after my Aunt Nannerl left for St. Gilgen. God bless their kind and loving souls throughout the years. I was of course the baby of the family and was treated as such my entire life, but I do love attention so it isn't a problem for me most of the time.
"Allow me to take those from you Wolfgang." Anna stepped forward and took my coat and hat to hang onto the half packed coat rack.

"May I take a seat upstairs if it isn't packed yet?"
"Yes! Absolutely! Follow me." Simon lead me up the stairs to the second floor to show me to my table.
"How has Salzburg treated you since your arrival? I hope the cold weather didn't intimidate your stay."
"It is good to be here Simon. This is where my family is from after all, it'll never disappoint me."
Simon smiled as we approached a comfortable table in the corner next to a window, my favorite place to sit.
"I hope not, I've heard that your father didn't like to be here. Isn't that why he escaped to Wien (Vienna)?"
I sat down and straightened my back.
"Very hard headed he was, and I have no doubt I inherited that quality from him too." I looked up at Simon as he silently placed the menu on the table. I awkwardly cleared my throat thinking I said something odd as Simon's pink bulky arms hovered in front of me.

"Naturally though, he was one of a kind and there is no doubt about the true genius he was.." Simon paused as if thinking about a tragic loss. I lowered my eyes and avoided interrupting. The silence was brief until Simon finally spoke again.
"Say hello to your aunt, your mother, and Karl for me would you?"
I shared a pleasant smile which softened him as he pat my hand before heading off.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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