~~ Part 1 ~~

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Franz Xaver Wolfgang

November 5, 1810


The sound of escalating violas filled the empty room as I lie in an oblique position in my bed. The ensemble flourished the more I relaxed my mind. My attention was drawn firmly to the thriving music in my head. The gleaming moonlight lingered on my pale face, and I was too distracted by the melody that I hardly minded it. I grew excessively inattentive to my surroundings, I merely noticed I was drifting off. The moon's glow shone about in my room as I slowly put my warm hand under my pillow. I leisurely shifted to my other side with a small exhausted sigh as my melody grew fainter.

The floorboards silently creaked as I allowed my drained body to sink into the mattress. Then the music stopped. All that was left was the soft sound of the diminishing fireplace and horses clattering on the pebbled road outside, bringing home the high class late night drunks. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to drift off...

The next morning I awoke to the sounds of the busy Salzburg street, from the maidservants awake to buy fresh bread from the marketplace, to the nobility stopping for some coffee at Tomaselli just across the street. I rose out of bed and dangled my feet over the side and stretched my arms up. With a brief yawn, I walked over to the window to get a breath of fresh air. The air was still moist from the recent rainfall but still had that scent of freshly baked bread and organic spice. The morning was as usual here in the old town of Salzburg, the same routine everyday except for the early mass on Sundays. I watched as horses went by, carrying their passengers, and neighbors hollered out morning greetings to one another.

I withdrew from the window and went over to my partition to get dressed. I slipped off my nightgown and took a pair of a clean wide neck shirt and a pair of neatly mended breeches, followed by a button up waistcoat. I straightened my back as I adjusted my waistcoat and added a lapel pin to embellish to attire. I glanced over at my mirror to admire myself and lifted my chin up in satisfaction. After taking time admiring myself, I made my way out of my room to greet my pet canary, Herr Süsse.
"Who is my sweet bird." I murmured in a puerile way.
I looked into his cage to notice he'd run out of fresh drinking water. I took the small bowl out from his cage and refilled his bowl with safe drinking water.
"Oh I forgot to fill his bowl when I woke! Forgive me Herr Mozart!" Augusta, the maidservant cried, running into the room in her apron. I looked up at her still bending down to the bird and smirked.
"It's alright, just don't forget repeatedly, or you might parch the poor bird. You don't want Herr Süsse to become poached chicken do you?" I smiled, wiping my wet hands on cloth, holding in a stiffled laugh. She gave me a stiffened grin and retired back into the kitchen.

I closed the cage door and briefly clicked my tongue to my beautiful bird. I stood up and made my way into the kitchen and leaned against the doorway.

"I will start breakfast right away sir! I am so sorry the marketplace was-" I interrupted. "Augusta don't worry about it." I stepped closer to make eye contact. "I was going to go down to Tomaselli's anyway." Augusta loosened as if someone freed her from a tight corset. I smiled and exited the kitchen to head to the front door. I took my black cutaway coat and my top hat off the coat rack and turned to face Augusta, who was now standing at the kitchen doorway watching as I put on my coat and hat. I smiled. "Should I bring back some apple strudel for you my dear Augusta?" I briefly investigated my pockets for change as I waited for her response.

"Would be convenient sir.." Augusta smiled, looking as soft as possible. I lied my tongue on the side of my mouth and nodded. I walked over to my dresser to search for some spare change lying around and placed the few in my pockets, keeping my cold hands in them. "I won't be gone long." I assured Augusta, now watching as I was about the head out the door. I put on my black boots and with a brief tip of my hat, made my way out.

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