Part 2

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"Brian, it's me, Mia. Vince is with me. Please let us in," Mia says from the outside of the bathroom as Brian gets sick in the bathroom. When the only answer they get is more throwing up, Vince opens the door and quickly moves to Brian's side.

"It's okay, Buster," Vince says when Brian whimpers while dry heaving. Once Brian stops, Vince pulls him back against his chest as Mia grabs a bottle of water from her pack.

"Here, Brian, drink slowly and only a few sips," Mia says, holding the bottle to Brian's lips. After Brian drank a little water, Mia wiped his face with a clean towel she found in the bathroom cabinet.

"Thank you," Brian says, going to sit up, but he starts shaking.

"You okay now?" Vince asks, laying a hand on Brian's back to make sure he doesn't fall over.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I must have eaten something that didn't agree with me," Brian says, taking another small drink of water.

"Brian, are you lying to us?" Mia asks from her spot, kneeling in front of Brian.

"Why would you ask that?" Brian asks, looking between Vince and Mia.

"Brian," Vince says, which instantly makes Brian tense because Vince never uses his name. "When I was picking your stuff up last night, I found this." Vince pulls the pregnancy test out of his pocket and hands it to Brian.

"Brian, are you one of those rare males who can get pregnant?" Mia asks, placing her hands on Brian's knees.

"Please don't tell Dom. Please. I didn't think this could happen," Brian says, tears pouring down his face.

"Brian, you can't keep this from him. He has a right to know," Mia says, rubbing Brian's knees to try and calm him down as Vince pulls him against him again.

"You heard him last night, V. We can't tell him," Brian sobs out.

"Brian, you can't keep this from him. I know what he said, but he's going to notice something was wrong," Vince says, rubbing Brian's back.

"What did my brother say?" Mia asks, frowning.

"He said that you and Leon can get together as long as you both use protection because the last thing we need is you pregnant right now," Vince says, frowning as Brian starts crying harder.

"First, Brian, you need to calm down. You being upset isn't healthy right now. Second, I know for a fact that you two haven't had the chance to be intimate except for that one time, last month, and you don't know, so it's not your fault. You need to tell him, Brian. Now, I'm going to go get him, and if you want, Vince and I will stay here while you tell him," Mia says, getting up and softly patting Brian's shoulder. Mia quickly leaves and walks over to where Dom is packing up the sleeping packs and some stuff he found left in the house.

"Mia, have you seen Brian? His pack is here, but he was gone when I woke up," Dom says, standing up as Mia gets closer.

"Yeah, he's in the bathroom. He needs to talk to you, Dom," Mia says, laying her hand on Dom's arm.

"Is something wrong with him?" Dom asks, quickly following Mia to the bathroom.

"In a sense, yes but no," Mia says, letting Dom enter the bathroom first. Dom heads straight to Vince and Brian, cringing at the smell from the toilet when he passes it.

"Bri, babe, what's wrong? Are you hurt? What's going on?" Dom says, kneeling next to where Vince still has Brian in his arms. Dom reaches out to Brian, but Brian flinches away from him, crying into Vince's chest. "What is going on?"

"Brian, you want me to tell him for you?" Vince asks, rubbing Brian's back still. Brian nods while keeping his face hidden.

"Vince, what's going on?" Dom asks, starting to panic.

"You remember what you said last night about Mia and Leon?" Vince asks.

"Yeah, I said they could get together," Dom says. "Why?"

"You also said they need to be careful to make sure she doesn't get pregnant," Vince says.

"Well, yeah, but what does that have to do with Brian being upset?" Dom asks, frowning as he glances between Vince and Mia.

"You remember that news article about a rare few men who can reproduce as women can?" Mia asks, kneeling on the other side of Vince from Dom.

"Yeah. Something about men being born with an extra cell that can form the reproductive organs of a woman if fertilized. Why?" Dom asks, looking between Mia and Vince before looking at Brian, who has his arms wrapped around his stomach.

"We are trying to tell you Brian is one of those rare men," Vince says, taking the pregnancy test from Brian's hand and giving it to Dom. Dom stares down at the test for so long without saying anything, which makes Brian, who stopped crying at this point, peak out at him. Dom looks up and locks eyes with Brian before quickly standing.

"Why am I the last one to know? You should have told me!" Dom yells before storming off after throwing the test at Brian, who bursts out crying again.

"What's all the yelling about?" Leon asks as he, Letty, and Jesse come running to the bathroom.

"What's wrong with Brian?" Jesse asks, moving to kneel where Dom had been kneeling.

"Brian's pregnant," Mia says before taking off after Dom.

"What? How long have you known? I didn't know you were one of those rare guys who could get pregnant," Letty said, taking Mia's spot.

"I didn't know until last night," Brian says between sobs.

"It's going to be okay, Brian. He just needs a moment to let it sink in," Leon says.

"I think Mia's going to make sure it sinks in," Jesse says, getting a laugh from Brian and everyone else.

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