Part 4

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"Don't worry, Bri. We're going to find somewhere safe. I promise," Dom says, sitting in the back seat with Vince driving his car while Brian rests against him. They had been traveling nonstop for four months. They tried Atlanta to find it completely overrun and almost didn't make it back out. Then they tried the CDC to find a big pile of rubble where it used to be. The constant traveling was putting a lot of strain on Brian's body, so his morning sickness has been extremely bad. He's developed a nice baby bump, which makes it hard for Brian to move easily.

"We need a place we can stay for several months. This constant moving has to be hard on him and the baby," Vince says, watching Brian whimper in his sleep. Dom glances back to check on the other car, which Leon is driving.

"I agree. I don't know how much longer he can stand the constant moving. He's so weak," Dom says, brushing Brian's hair, which has gotten much longer, out of his face.

"Shit," Vince yells, slamming on the breaks as something comes running out of the forest along the road. Dom quickly braces Brian as soon as he sees it as well.

"Dom?" Brian asks, shooting awake as the car stops.

"What in the hell was that?" Dom asks as he looks to where the thing is standing frozen, between the two cars, which one facing each other from Vince trying to stop the car and not hit the thing.

"Oh, my god, Dom. It's a little girl," Brian says, following as Dom and Vince get out of the car.

"Is she dead?" Vince asks, standing in front of Brian to protect him.

"She would have started towards us if she was. She's just standing there," Dom says.

"We have to help her, Dom," Brian says.

"Stay here. We need to make sure she isn't bit," Dom says, locking eyes with Vince, who steps closer to Brian. Dom motions for everyone to stay in the other car as he slowly approaches the little girl. The little girl stares at him with wide eyes before breaking down, crying.

"Is she bit?" Vince yells to Dom, keeping an eye on Brian, who is rubbing his belly, a habit he picked up.

"Little girl, are you okay?" Dom asked, kneeling in front of the little girl.

"I want my mommy," the little girl cries.

"Well, let me check to make sure you aren't injured, and then we'll help you find your mom. Okay?" Dom says, reaching towards the little girl.

"You will?" the little girl asks, staring past Dom at Brian, which causes Vince to move and block the girl's view of Brian.

"Yes, we will. Can I look you over for injuries?" Dom says, noticing Vince's move. The little girl nods and stands still as Dom checks her over. Once he is done, he motions for Leon to come over.

"Is she okay?" Leon asks, standing beside Dom.

"She's got some scrapes and bruises, but she's not bit. We need to get her back to her people," Dom says, looking around but finding no sign of life. "Have Mia and Jesse move to the charger. I will ride with you, Letty, and the little girl in the Maxima."

"Okay," Leon says, moving off to do just that.

"Do we need to transfer out bags, Dom?" Mia asks as she walks over to him.

"No, that won't be necessary," Dom says, leading the little girl over to where Leon is waiting. He does say something but the sound of retching interrupts.

"Dom," Vince says from where he is kneeling next to Brian.

"Brian," Dom yells, running over and rubbing Brian's back until Brian stops throwing up.

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