Part 3

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"Dom!" Mia yells, catching up with Dom as he carries everyone's but Brian's stuff out to the car.

"Tell everyone to load up. We've wasted too much time as it is," Dom says, throwing the stuff into the trunk of his dodge charger.

"Where's Brian's stuff?" Mia asked, looking at the bags in the trunk before Dom slams it shut.

"I left it in there, which is what I'm going to do to that slut," Dom says. Mia storms up to him and slaps him as hard as she can.

"He has only ever loved you. He didn't tell you because of what you said last night and because he loves you. He didn't want to burden you. If he gets left behind because he loves you, then give me my bag because I love you too. Right now, I could strangle you for your stupidity," Mia says, popping the trunk and getting her bag out.

"I need mine as well, Mia," Letty says from the door.

"Me too," Jesse says, frowning at Dom as he grabs his bag.

"Grab mine as well, Jesse," Leon says, standing next to Mia.

"Mine as well, Jesse, and put them all in my car. It'll be a tight fit for the six of us, but it will do until we get another car we can fix up," Vince says as he walks out, supporting Brian, who is holding his bag close to him. "Mia, Leon, help Brian to the car. He's a little wobbly right now."

"Dom," Brian whispers, reaching a hand out towards Dom before quickly dropping it to his side as Mia and Leon start towards Vince's car.

"I thought the family stuck together," Jesse says, standing beside Vince.

"I thought so too, Jesse. Help Letty put the bags into the trunk," Vince says, lightly pushing Jesse towards Letty as he heads to where Dom is getting into his charger. "Just so you know, we all love you and hate to see you go, Brian most of all."

"He kept something extremely important from me," Dom says, meeting Vince's eyes.

"He didn't know he was pregnant until last night. He was going to tell you, but he heard what you told Leon. That's why he started crying. He was awake," Vince says, watching Mia make sure Brian was comfortable in the passenger seat.

"He never even told me he could get pregnant," Dom says, frowning when he glances in the rearview mirror to see Brian holding a jacket Dom had given him close to his chest as he cries.

"He didn't know until it happened, Dom," Vince says, locking eyes with Dom.

"He didn't?" Dom asks guilt showing clearly in his eyes.

"No, he didn't. He just found all this out last night. He's scared to death about what is going to happen now. You are leaving him in an extremely vulnerable state right now. We don't know if there's somewhere safe. There may not even be a doctor out there that can help him if he and the baby even survive all the stress and danger there is now," Vince says, walking away once he was done. Dom glances into the rearview mirror again to see Brian crying harder as Vince talks to him.

"I'm such an idiot," Dom says, covering his face with his hands.

"Yes, you are," Letty says, leaning to talk to Dom through the window.

"I need to talk to him, Let. Can you get him to come to talk to me?" Dom says, watching Brian through the rearview mirror.

"I can try, but I can't promise anything," Letty said, walking away. Dom watches as Letty talks to Brian and then helps him out of the car and over to Dom, who gets out of the car.

"Brian, I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I want to apologize. I should have talked to you about it instead of getting angry," Dom says, sitting next to Brian when Brian sits down onto the curb.

"It's okay. I can understand. It's a shock. You see how I reacted last night," Brian says, staring down at his flat stomach.

"You mean when I found you?" Dom asks. Brian nods as he lays a hand on his stomach. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared. I know it's dangerous with the dead not staying dead. I'm still scared. There may not be anyone left who can help me, but I don't want to kill the baby," Brian says, locking eyes with Dom.

"It's going to be a long and hard time ahead, but if you will let me, I want to help you. I want to be with you and our child. I love you, Brian. I love the child that you carry inside you. Please, Bri. I can't lose you. Not after I just got you back," Dom says, fighting his emotions.

"Dom, you never lost me. I lost you, but I'm glad to have you back," Brian says, leaning against Dom's shoulder.

"I'm here, Bri, and I'm not going anywhere at all," Dom says, quickly standing when he hears moans coming from the forest behind the house. Dom quickly pulls Brian up as the moans get louder.

"Dom," Brian whimpers, clutching Dom's arm.

"Get in the car," Dom says, looking to see Vince rushing to get everyone into his car. Brian quickly climbs through the driver's side to the passenger seat, Dom following him.

"Put your seatbelt on," Dom says, quickly starting up the car and glancing behind the car to make sure everyone got safely into Vince's car as the first dead came stumbling out of the forest.

"Dom, they're getting closer," Brian says, starting to shake.

"Don't worry, babe. We're leaving," Dom says, driving away from the house and the dead with Vince right behind him. After they get a safe distance away from the house, Dom pulls over, which causes Vince to as well. Dom quickly gets out of the car to check and make sure everyone is okay.

"That was too close," Leon says, getting out of the back seat of Vince's car before helping a shaken Mia out of the passenger seat.

"Are you guys all okay?" Dom asks, walking over and hugging Mia.

"Mia and Jesse are a little shaken, but we are all fine," Vince says.

"Brian," Leon yells, rushing to where Brian bolts out of the car and starts throwing up.

"Bri," Dom yells, rushing over to Brian as well while everyone else follows behind him. "Mia, what's wrong with him. He's heaving but nothing is coming up."

"He threw everything up this morning. The stress of the situation is getting to him. He needs a lot of rest, and then he needs to eat," Mia says as Brian collapses against Dom.

"Vince, can you recline the seat for him, so he can sleep as we get moving again?" Dom asks while rubbing Brian's back.

"Of course," Vince says, quickly moving to do just that.

"Leon, can you get his stuff and put it into my car?" Dom asks, picking an asleep Brian up bridal style.

"Can you grab mine as well? I would like to ride with Dom and Brian," Jesse says, watching Dom lay Brian down into the passenger seat. After the bags got transferred to Dom's car, everyone got into cars, and they headed back out to try and find a place safe enough to stay until Brian had the baby and could move. 

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