Part 5

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"Dom," Brian says, getting a look at the men on the motorcycles.

"Stay where you are at, Bri," Dom says, moving to block all view of Brian from the approaching people.

"Mr. Daryl! Mr. Merle!" Sophia yells, running towards the two men on motorcycles as soon as they stop.

"Sophia!" a timid female voice says as a woman gets out of the car.

"Momma!" Sophia yells, running over to the woman, who hugs her tightly as they both cry.

"Where did ya find her?" the smaller of the two men says as he keeps glancing at Vince.

"A road a way back," Vince says, which causes the man to completely focus on him.

"Ignore Vince's ill manners. My name is Dom. This is Jesse, Leon, Mia, and Letty," Dom says, pointing to everyone in turn.

"Dom," Brian says from behind Dom.

"Who's dat ya tryin ta hide?" the larger man demands, getting off his bike and starting forward only to stop when Letty levels a gun at his head.

"Please, ignore Merle's rudeness. My name is Carol and this is Daryl, Merle's brother. Thank you so much for saving my daughter," the woman says, walking over towards them with Sophia next to her.

"Momma, can you help Brian?" Sophia asks, which makes everyone tense and move close to Dom and Brian.

"What's wrong with him?" Daryl asks, getting off his motorcycle and walking to stand next to Carol.

"He's pregnant, Mr. Daryl," Sophia says, pulling Carol toward where Brian is seated.

"What could you do for him?" Dom asks, blocking Carol's path as Sophia keeps going to Brian.

"I was a volunteer nurse. I know a little about pregnancies. I'm afraid I don't know much that could help though," Carol says, locking eyes with Dom.

"I think it could be good to have another nurse around, Dom," Mia says, moving to stand next to Carol.

"There's a vet where we are camped. He saved Carl, who was shot. He should be able to help," Daryl says, still watching Vince.

"Carl was shot?" Sophia asked, starting to cry, which causes Brian to wrap his arms around her.

"He's fine, baby," Carol says, moving over to Brian and Sophia as soon as Dom moves, which gives Merle and Daryl a view of Brian.

"Whoa, he is prego," Merle says, which earns him a smack from Daryl.

"Is this place safe?" Vince asks, locking eyes with Daryl, who nods.

"Can we stay with you?" Brian asks, voice filled with pure hope.

"You'll have to talk to the owner of the place, but I don't see why not. How far along are you?" Carol asks, kneeling next to Brian's leg.

"Five months," Brian says, rubbing his stomach.

"I need the equipment Hershel has been slowly getting since Lori said she's pregnant," Carol says.

"Shit," they all suddenly hear Merle growl. They all turn to see a horde of dead headed their way.

"Get in a car and hunker down," Dom says, helping Brian lay down across the front seat and lying next to him. Carol, Sophia, and Mia all stretch out in the back of the Maxima. Leon and Jesse dive into the front of the charger with Merle and Letty taking the back. Daryl drags Vince to the car Carol was driving and shoves him onto the back seat before climbing in next to him. They all manage to get in the cars without any of the dead seeing, so the dead just pass them right by.

"I think they are gone. We can get out now," Daryl says, going to move, but Vince wraps his arms around him and won't let him.

"I kind of like it with you this close," Vince says, smiling at Daryl.

"Please, let me go," Daryl says, pushing against Vince. Vince quickly lets him go when he sees the fear in Daryl's eyes. Daryl quickly climbs out, and Vince follows right behind him. Vince heads over to check on everyone else.

"Is everyone okay?" Vince asks, helping Mia get out of the charger.

"It's okay, Bri," Dom says, holding Brian close after they get out of the car. Brian is shaking badly and crying as Dom holds him close.

"We should get back. Everyone will be happy to see Sophia," Daryl says, keeping his distance from Vince.

"Dom!" Brian says, clutching his stomach as pain rips through him.

"Bri, what's wrong?" Dom asks, catching Brian as he starts to fall.

"Let us look at him," Carol says as Dom moves him to more open space.

"Leon, I need my bag," Mia said, kneeling next to where Brian is curled in pain with his head on Dom's lap. Leon quickly gets the black bag and sets it next to Mia, who is taking Brian's pulse.

"Do you have a BP cuff?" Carol asks, keeling on the other side of Brian.

"Here," Mia says, handing it to Carol as she gets a small flashlight out to check Brian's pupil reaction.

"His blood pressure is way too high," Carol says.

"What does that mean?" Vince asks, worried and panic showing in his eyes, which causes Daryl to move next to him and place his hand on Vince's lower back.

"It means we have to get him to Hershel. He'll be able to help," Carol says, handing Mia her stuff back. Dom quickly but carefully picks Brian up.

"Dom," Brian sobs, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"It's going to be okay, Bri," Dom says, carefully setting Brian into the passenger seat of the charger. They all quickly load into the cars and follow Daryl, Merle, and Carol. Dom holds Brian's hand as they go and gets more worried every time Brian whimpers in pain.

"Dom?" Brian whimpers when they leave a road to drive on a dirt road.

"Hold on, babe. It's going to be okay," Dom says, squeezing Brian's hand.

"Wow, look at this place, Brian," Jesse says from the back seat.

"Is that?" Dom starts before Jesse interrupts him.

"Cows! There are actual cows!" Jesse shouts, getting excited, which causes Brian to chuckle. They pull in behind Carol and are instantly greeted by people with guns.

"Dom," Brian whimpers as one man pays close attention to him.

"We need Hershel," Daryl said, pushing the man, who is paying close attention to Brian, away when he gets too close.

"What were you thinking, bringing strangers back here," the man yells.

"Shane enough," another man says.

"You found Sophia?" a woman asks when Carol and Sophia get out of their car.

"They did. Where's Hershel?" Carol says.

"I'm here. Who are they?" the older man says, coming over.

"These people saved my daughter. One of them is pregnant and his blood pressure is way too high," Carol says.

"His?" Shane asks.

"Bring him in," Hershel says, going back into the house.

"All of you, come," the other man says. "After your friend is treated, we'll make introductions.

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