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Author's note: please read this chapter like you are some sort of tired ass man.

~ It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters~
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   ★◇彡 [ᴏᴀᴋ's ʀᴇsɪᴅᴇɴᴄᴇ - 6 ᴀᴍ] 彡★
🇦‌🇸‌🇭‌'🇸‌ 🇵‌🇴‌🇻‌
*Buzz* *Buzz* *Buzz*
"It's morning already.....(sigh)... so it's already morning."
I sighed as I rolled down my sheets and got up from my bed.
I could hear the sizzling sound from downstairs.
'I guess Gary is already making breakfast.'
I looked in the mirror beside my bed only to find some dark circles under my eyes. It wasn't something unnatural. I have been on so many missions, which end up till midnight. Sometimes it's already dawn when I reach home. I could also see the scar on my eyebrow, which I got a while back during a mission. It wasn't that big, but at the same time, it wasn't that small either. It was pretty noticeable to the naked eye
"Yo Ash-my-boy, if you're already up, come down and have your breakfast. Today's not the day you want to be late for school." Came a weird heavy voice from Gary.
"Yeah, I am coming, and don't talk like that again. You sound worse than a Fearow."
I finally began to get dressed in my school uniform. As Gary said, today isn't the day I can get late. Today's the last day of our high school. Our graduation day. And the day about what will decide to do from now.
Our classes continued even after the exams. Although they weren't mandatory, they were for those students who are weak in theory and wanted to prepare for university entrance exams.
Neither did I nor Gary attended them. Gary being the grandson of World famous Professor Oak, was already acknowledged with all kinds of things related to Pokemon World. As for me, I never had the time to. Just today morning, at about 3 am, I came back from Orange Islands. Illegal smuggling of pokemon drugs was going on there. We did manage to stop the grunts, but they all fled.
Yeah, it was another damn failure. Not for everyone but for me, it was.
*water splashing at face*
"Come fast, you idiot! If I don't make sure that you reach the school on time today, gramps will snatch my sportscar from me." He shouted.
"I am coming. Don't shout, or you'll wake up the sleeping neighbors."
I complained. It was actually quite early in the morning. We had to reach school early for a speech by Professor Oak, and then we had to decide which University's entrance exam are we going to give. Some might have already decided it, but I haven't decided yet. Maybe I'll just skip University, but then Professor Oak and others will force me to attend one anyway.
I woke Pikachu up. Gave him a packet of ketchup. Told him that I was off to school. And ran down as fast as I can as Gary's irritated mumbling noises were growing louder and louder.
"You should feel lucky that The Great Gary Oak waited for you." He said, puffing out his chest.
"Whatever, Mr. The Great Gary Oak, whose sportscar is in danger of being snatched. I am sorry for my sins. And if you want, then can we please go without putting your car in any more danger of getting sold." I replied, already going to the main door.
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★彡 [ᴋᴀɴᴛᴏ ʜɪɢʜ sᴄʜᴏᴏʟ - 𝟽 ᴀᴍ] 彡★
One could see many students entering the school. And like everyone, We were the two among them.
School's Headmaster or Professor Oak was already making an announcement for the students to go to the assembly hall directly.
We made our way to the assembly hall, getting bumped into some of Gary's friends. Well, they weren't related to those who bully me. Gary and they were kinda like best friends as they have worked together on many projects related to Pokémon science. Not that it matters to me, but they never treated me any different from Gary. Maybe they didn't want to hurt Gary as Gary was the key to their dream. Coz why not? They all wanted to be Professor Oak's personal disciples. What else you'd expect?
We took our seats that were in the back row as all other seats were already occupied. It wasn't that big but still enough for 500 students to sit.
Professor Oak soon came on the stage. And started addressing the assembly first with one of his poems, to which Gary's friends started fanboying and shouting.
'Just a bunch of idiots. Just cut to the real chase, old man.'
Professor Oak's speeches are the most boring speeches for any normal student.
(Author's Note: I have never attended a university, so maybe I am wrong about the university part. Just take university entrance exams as another part of a fiction. So uni guys please forgive us for our sins and stuff)
The graduation ceremony ended with student council representatives giving their speeches and further programs.
Then Professor Oak again came to the podium and again started bluffing his poetry.
Soon he came to the subject of university entrance exam exams.
"So some of you who were attending the classes for the entrance exam preparation have already decided which University they are going to. The rest of you are free to choose any. But the difficulty level of the exam of each University depends on their curriculum. We have prepared some university entrance exam forms. It includes all the best possible universities in Kanto. And some out of the region as well. However, I shouldn't be the one to tell you all this but chose the University on account of what you want to do in the future. Each University's education degree is different. Well, that's it from my side. You can collect the forms from the office area. But one thing. You aren't allowed to leave the school until you have chosen a particular university."
Everyone seemed to agree with what Professor said in the end. No one was surprised by the fact that they have to choose their future in just one day. Not actually one day. All students have already been thinking about what to do in the future. Of course, I was one of them.
After all the things that happened in the past couple of years, I have lost my motivation for everything. Now, the only goal I have is to make my parent's wishes true. That's the sole reason why I don't have any particular choice for future career. But if things were right, though, then I would have done something related to Pokemon battling, as that was my main passion. Yes, it Was. Because now I have stopped battling for my own satisfaction or fun. Now I only battle when I need to. I will probably just choose any university that can give me a degree and any subject related to Pokemon, as they are the only things I know best about. Probably more than any other average teenager.
Gary wanted to go for Pokémon research and their biodiversity.
"Yo Ash, have you decided which university you are gonna attend?"
"Yeah. Any university in Kanto that can give me a degree. "
"Seriously, bruh?" Gary asked with a dumbfounded look on his face.
Can't say he read my face, but he was able to tell what might have been going in my mind.
"Are you serious? I get it that you don't yet have any plans for the future, but still, you should at least choose a good university! Not just any damn university in Kanto! Aim for a big institution. You can choose any subject but at least learn it from somewhere big!"
"So what do you think I should do, huh? Mr. Gary, the motivational speaker?"
I actually wouldn't wanna attend a university in the first place if you'd ask me. But I would have to as Interpol is quite strict now in educational qualifications. I need to be completely graduated, at least. It doesn't matter what stream I chose or what degree I aim for. They just want a certificate of graduation under my name.
Although Gary isn't wrong in the first place, maybe I should actually think about it.
Seeing me lost deep in thought, Gary made an utterance with complete assurance.
"Look, I am going for the World's most prestigious and the high-class university entrance exam. 'The Kalos Institute of Tech'" Said Gary with pride evident in his voice.
Tuning your face in the room, you can see many surprised faces. Why wouldn't they be surprised? Gary has announced that he is gonna aim for Kalos institute of tech, whose entrance exam is the hardest entrance exam in the whole World probably. The last time I heard about it was when I was checking various universities online. I found it somehow and checked its description.
I couldn't believe what I saw there. Only 10 out of every 1000 candidates who try the exam are able to pass. And they pass only on the margin level. The passing marks there is 70%, and looking at the difficulty, it's impossible for students like us who haven't prepared for it from the beginning to even get 25% as a total count. And in Kalos institute of tech, you can pursue any career there. Even Pokemon-related careers, as well as the campus there, is full of different kinds of Pokemon brought from different regions. Even the ones which I have never once visited in my life.
"Yeah, sure, Gary. Maybe your mind has been screwed up hanging with that piece of shit." Of course, they are referring to me. Well, anyway, it doesn't matter. From now I don't have to see these so-called bullies' faces.
"You don't believe me? Fine, I'll prove it to you that this Gary-the-genius can do whatever he thinks." Gary said in an annoyed and arrogant tone.
"Ashy boy, you are gonna give that exam too. It doesn't matter which University you chose first. I am gonna crush everyone's faces present here."
"Why are you dragging me in your mess Gary?"
 I replied in a calm tone. But before I knew it, Gary had already brought the forms of KIT and even started filling them by himself, and in a flash, he submitted those forms at the reception. I didn't even get the chance to stop him as my seat was already surrounded by the bullies.
"Ha! so what do we have here!? A piece of shit. It would be much more fun to tease you when you fail the exam with miserable grades."
             ★彡 [ᴄʟᴀssʀᴏᴏᴍ] 彡★
I can't do anything but look at the window beside me. Right now, I was in my classroom. We have already left the assembly hall as no one's interested in Professor Oak's speech of motivation.
Soon came the sound of running footsteps from the corridor. Maybe that person was running as even the history teacher, Mr. Aizawa (I like mha Ok. And I can't just name someone anything) scolded that guy to not run. Catching for breath, that person/Gary entered the class.
"Ashy-boy, the exam is in two weeks, and damn, the syllabus is hell. You should just leave with me now. We have got to prepare a lot."
Maybe that's why he was running just so that he can save as much time as he can to prepare for the exam. Looking at him, the once a minute ago excited Gary was now so much serious.
I followed him out of the classroom.
"You know you can just leave it. It's really impossible even if we start preparing for it now." I said.
"Huh!? What do you see me as Ash? As I said, I will pass this exam, and you will be the one supporting me, being my lab assistant."
"Since when I became your lab assistant? And I don't wanna go there. So lemme just cancel my application."
"Too bad you can't. Once submitted, you can't do anything."
Sighing, we just went our ways. Today I am not spending the night at Gary's as I have to go to Interpol for some kind of discussion meeting.
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★彡[ᴋᴀɴᴛᴏ - ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴘᴏʟ ʜᴇᴀᴅǫᴜᴀᴛᴇʀs]彡★
ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇ's ᴘᴏᴠ
"So what happened, Director looker? Is it something more serious this time that all major positions of the Interpol have been called here?"
"Yeah, it's something like that. Let's wait for Ash to come as well. Professor, don't tell you assigned some kind of homework even on their graduation day?"
"What are you saying? At least say something which makes sense. Why would anyone give students homework on the day of their graduation." Professor Oak said in an annoyed tone.
The scheduled time was 30 min ago, and the very director of Interpol called the meeting saying it's very important so none can take it anyway lightly. They all rushed from their personal works to the meeting as fast as they can and barely made it on time, but Ash still wasn't there, and without him, the meeting couldn't be started,
Everyone was getting more impatient as every minute passes by.
Suddenly, A tired and panting voice came from the intercom located on the Looker's table.
"Sorry, Mr looker...... got stuck in my ......way to here. Hope I didn't miss much. Can I come in now?" Came the voice of the person all other people in the meeting room have been waiting for.
"Yeah, come in," Looker replied, pressing a switch on his table opening the door.
🇦‌🇸‌🇭‌'🇸‌ 🇵‌🇴‌🇻‌
"Where were you, kid?? We have been waiting for ages just for a 19-year-old boy to come so that we can start this so-called important discussion." Came the voice of a muscular blonde man.
"I was coming here, and as you know, for some reason Professor didn't allow us to bring our Pokémon today to school and I left the school late, so I had to travel by train to here. And of the worst-case scenario found a kid crying coz he was lost. And if it's alright, then please start this discussion. I have to catch the last train, or I'll have to wander off in the nights." I replied, sitting on the chair in front which on the table my name was written, comforting myself and finally taking a breath of relief in the ac room.
In the room, there was Professor oak, Mr. Silver, and other senior agents and heads of various groups, and there was another girl who was actually Mr. Looker's assistant. And since Professor would usually stay in the interpol labs after such meetings so there's no way I could have went back home with him.
"Sure. Firstly I would like to show you guys all something." Mr. looker said, turning to his assistant, who was standing beside him. She understood what he was saying and opened a transparent computer screen with all sorts of random data. Then she finally opened a file in which a map of a certain region was showing.
"So as you all can see this is the map of Kalos region which is the most hi-tech and remote region all over the World which has a crime rate of less than 1.2% which is far less than regions like Kanto, Sinnoh and Hoenn each having crime rate of more than 9%. But from the Kalos branch of Interpol, I have got some important and unbelievable information. The main head organization behind all the other evil organizations, yeah, that is Team Flare, has known to be having a secret hideout somewhere around there. And this information is proved corrected by our undercover agents, who have been following the thugs which Ash's team failed to arrest during that smuggling mission. They caught one of those thugs and questioned him about everything that thug knew. We still don't know the exact location of them yet.
And because the crime rate of Kalos was so low so there aren't any powerful teams in the Kalos branch of Interpol who can stop the upcoming misfortune that is gonna happen. And again, we don't know what exactly is gonna happen, but according to that thug, something big is gonna happen. And they choose Kalos as their base because there's something there that would help them succeed in their mission."
My anger was at its peak, but I somehow calmed myself from doing anything reckless. This is the time to be serious. If this time we fail, then there's no going back or no restarts. That'll be the end.
"So, Mr. Looker, now that we know where the enemy is hiding, then what to do now? We can't just go and attack them." Senior Agent Michael asked.
"Yeah, that's the point. So what now, Looker?" Professor questioned.
Mr. looker finally said,
"About that, I discussed this with the Kalos branch of Interpol. They said that there aren't many members there, and not many of them are that strong to even hold down a sudden attack from team Flare till help from other regions reach. So Professor Sycamore, who is the Regional Administrator of Kalos, came up with an idea. That is in this holographic projector."
He placed the holographic projector on the ground, and a full-body holographic image of a man in a lab coat and blue shirt appeared.

𝕬 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕽𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖑 (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now