Chapter 13

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It's now Sunday morning. The girls will be home tonight and the whole gang is so excited. Everybody has been helping me clean and keep an eye on Poppy.

I had to run to the store to get stuff for dinner tonight. I'm making Rosie's favorite dish; beef and noodle, mashed potatoes, and corn.

Right now, we are getting ready for church. I'm always the first one ready so I'm sitting at the table writing down a few things I need to get at the store. We already ate breakfast and now getting ready to head out the door.


Dinner is done and the girls should be here any minute. Poppy is jumping on Dallas and she is making all of the guys laugh. I think it's cute that Dal likes Poppy but I ought to watch her and how much time she spends with him. I don't really want her ending up like him. She definitely has picked some stuff up from everybody in the gang. She had Steve's sass, Soda's kindness, Pony's intelligence, Two-bit's humor, my strength (emotionally), Johnny's quietness (sometimes), and Dally's attitude. All of those things in a blonde, straight-haired, brown eyed, little girl. She is something else.

I smile as I think about my daughter and her characteristics. Then I heard a low rumble in the driveway. Poppy rushed over to me and reached up, motioning me to hold her.

"Daddy! I think is Rosie and Alice!" She squealed.

I peaked out the window and my three year old was right. I told everybody to pick up the beer bottles and hurriedly straighten up the living room. She walked in with her and Alice's belongings and set them down. She looked up and saw me holding Poppy. I handed Poppy to Dallas and Rosie jumped into my arms and wrapped her legs around my waist. I wanted to stay like this forever. Then I kissed her with passion and love. It was gentle but aggressive enough to let her know that I missed her. I pulled away and she got down. Alice went straight over to Johnny and sat on his lap.

"Hey y'all. Can somebody help Rosie take her and Alice's stuff upstairs to our room." I said looking at Dally and Two-bit.They  got the hint and took her upstairs.



"Can I marry your mommy?"

"Yes!" She squealed.

"Okay. You have to be very quiet okay?"

"Okay." She nodded.

I went to the kitchen into the drawer with the silverware in it. That's where I kept the ring. It was my mother's wedding ring. She said "give this to the perfect girl for you. Don't just give it away, son".
I teared up when I opened the box. Then I heard thumps coming down the stairs. I quickly but quietly shut the box and put it in my shirt pocket. She was turned around and talking to Two-bit and he glanced at me and smiled. I got down on one knee and Two-bit turned her around. Her mouth dropped open and she covered it with her hands and began giggling. Alice and Poppy gasped and started clapping.

"Rosemary Elaine,
When you first came over for dinner, I saw how you got along with the guys. Then when I adopted my daughter, I saw how she would love on you and you would love her back just as much. When you adopted Alice, I saw how our daughters bonded. How well they got along. Then when your house burned down, you moved in, worried that you would be too much of a bother. Then finally, when you left. It broke my heart to see my love leave the state. All of us were off. Heck, even Pony and Soda fought. I'd have to help clean Pony's wounds, then help Soda. I need you in my life like Steve and Two-bit need chocolate cake. Like Dallas needs cancer sticks. Like Pony and Johnny need books and how Soda needs cars. Our daughters need to grow up together. So, after this whole long speech. Rosemary Elaine, will you marry me?"

She began to cry and then laugh. "No."
My heart dropped and I felt like I was going to be sick.

"I'm kidding. Yes! A thousand times yes!" She squealed.

"Dang it! You can't do that to me!" I said almost crying.She held out her hand and I slid my ring on her finger.

"It was my Momma's. She told me not to give it away unless I was gonna stay with the woman forever." I said sniffling.

I then stood up and she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me repeatedly. I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her body close to me. Alice and Poppy ran up to us and we picked them up.

I looked at my future wife and whispered to her "We can get married as soon or as later you want."

I looked at her face and it was so red you would have thought I said something dirty to her.

The rest of the night, we sat and talked and played games.
Then it was time for bed.

"Goodnight my future wife. I love you." Then I kissed her head and she snuggled into me.

"Goodnight my future husband. I love you too."

Love, D. CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now