Raphael ~ 10

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A cold feeling washed over me. One that screamed danger, but not my danger, someone else's. 

I let the feeling consume me. I shut my eyes and placed myself in the area of danger. When I opened them I was in a dark school gym. 

"RUN!" I voice screamed. I spun around to see who it was. 

It was Mara. I stood and watched her. My eyes looked around for whatever was chasing. 

"FUCKING RUN!" She screamed again. Her voice was full of fear. That's when the lower demon rounded the corner. 

It was an ugly beast inside and out. My eyes went back to Mara's face as recognition flashed across her delicate feature. It then quickly morphed back to fear.

My heart ached at the fear that oozed from her body. She wasn't scared. She was terrified. 

She continued running towards me, screaming for me to run. I just stood there, waiting for her to reach me. She was so close now. 

The lower demon was getting closer. I knew he wouldn't dare attack me in my true form. I unfurled my wings, letting them stretch out around me. My eyes turned completely white as light filled the area around me. The demon slowed down.

I looked back at Mara and reached towards her. She ran full speed into my arms. Her body collided with mine as I wrapped my arms tightly around her. I let my wings close slightly, blocking the demon from her.

The demon snarled and hissed but I simply smirked at it. 

I felt another dark presence approach. My eyes snapped to the door as it burst open. Of course, it was Damien. His eyes landed on Mara who was clinging to me. Anger flooded his features as he leaped into the air. 

Black wings emerged from his back as he embraced his true form. His one dark eyes became a black abyss as he hurtled towards the lower demon. This fight would be easy.

The lower demon coward in Damien's presence. They collided as Damien's hand delved into its chest, coming out with the heart of the demon in it. The demon wailed as it fell to the floor, dead. Damien released the heart and it landed on the floor with a wet thud. 

I allowed my wings to open slightly as Damien landed on the ground and walked towards us. My arms still held Mara tightly. I looked down at her pale skin. Her eyes began to flutter and her body fell completely limp in my arms. I stood up from the floor, carrying her small frame in my arms.

"What the fuck are you doing here, angel?" Damien asked as he stood before me.

"I could ask you the same thing demon. Since when did you care for a human's safety?" His eyes looked over her body.

She was covered in dried blood. Some of it was hers and the rest was from the lower demon. The small cut on her forehead from the car accident had reopened. I also noticed the blood that dripped off the end of her shoe. 

Damien merely snorted at my question. He too had noticed the blood on her shoe and rolled her trouser leg up. There were three deep claw marks running down her leg. How she kept running was beyond me. 

"I can heal that," I say as I hold out her limp body for Damien to take. He looks at her and then back at me.

"I'm not touching her." He said with a look of disgust. I rolled my eyes.

"So you kill a lower demon for her but you won't hold her?" I asked and pushed her into his arms.

He stiffly held her as I wrapped my hand around her injured ankle. I felt the warmth flow through me as the three claw marks began to heal. After a couple of minutes, there were no cuts at all, just a bit of dried blood. I also healed the cut on her forehead.

"All done," I say as I reach for her again.

  Damien pulls her closer into his chest as his eyes darken in a warning. I put my hands up and stepped back.

"Let's get her home. She's going to have lots of questions." 

I followed Damien out of the school. His large wings expanded at the same time as mine as we took off into the night sky. We landed in Mara's garden and snuck in through the back door. Damien gently placed her body on the bed. I brought the duvet up and covered her with it. Damien stepped back into the corner of the room and frowned whilst I sat on her bed and stroked her soft hair.

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