Mara ~ 31

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My blood pulsed with a new life, new meaning. These lower demons were loyal to me now, and I could feel Andras' anger. 

"Time to die, for good, daughter," Andras growled as he ran forwards. 

Demons flanked my sides as they raced towards the opposition. Growls and screeches filled the air as claws connected with skin. Damien fought a large demon whereas, Raph battled with a smaller one. 

A very human-looking demon barrelled towards me. His claws extended from his pudgy fingers as he launched himself at me. I opened my wings and jumped backward, propelling myself out of his reach. I landed swiftly on my feet and smiled at the demon. He crunched his thick brows together as I prowled towards him, I let my nails shape into short black claws. My hand plunged into the demon's chest, pushing straight through his ribs. I felt the pulsing of his heart as my hand curled around it. I pulled it out, the ripping of muscles made my skin crawl. 

The demon whimpered slightly as I dropped the heart on the floor. It made a loud, wet thud and bounced at my feet. His body quickly followed. I got distracted by the body and didn't notice the small demon flying towards me. Its body collided with mine as I slammed into the floor. My large wings cushioned the fall. I jumped up and slashed my wings at the demon, cleanly cutting through its throat. The demon twitched on the floor slightly before stilling, its eyes pale.

I walked over all the bodies, using my wings to fend off any demons that tried to attack me. My eyes were locked on my father's figure as he slaughtered demons. I ascended the steps towards the platform the bastard stood on. Andras' eyes found mine and he smirked, breaking the neck of some demon. 

"ENOUGH!" Andras yelled and the fighting ceased. 

"This is what you have all been waiting for. My daughter has challenged my position in the dark court. I will kill her and remain leader of this house." Andras called as his lower demons cheered.

I remained silent. The tips of my wings dragged along the floor, the white feathers stained red with blood. I remembered the words of Tyler, how he told me to embrace my power. I shut my eyes and allowed the buzzed of power to surge through me. Darkness called me and I welcomed it with open arms. My body filled with raw, hot power. 

"What are you doing?" Andras' voice caused my eyes to snap open. 

"I'm becoming the monster you created." I reached forwards.

I clasped my hand around his throat, power consumed me. My touch burned as I let go, looking down at my hands. The power tingled at the tips of my fingers. A choking noise sounded from Andras' direction. I gasped at the sight. 

Blood poured down his face. It came from his mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. His cheeks started to cave in as he collapsed to the floor. I watched as he choked again, his body writhed. Andras reached for me but was too weak to do so. Within seconds his body stopped moving. Andras lay there, dead. 

"Impossible, Andras has fallen." A demon called as he looked at his previous master's body.

"This is no longer the House of Andras. It is now the House of Mara. Join me!" My voice carried through the large hall.

Lower demons chattered amongst themselves before turning back towards me. They all dropped to one knee, pulling various sharp objects out of their pockets and slicing them across their palm. The blood sizzled on the floor as they pledged themselves to the house, to my house.

"May the House of Mara reign for all darkness!" 

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