Mara ~ 35

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The grand hall was empty. I sat in my chair on the stage and looked around the large room. It was magnificent. I continued to admire the room until a chill ran down my spine. The haunting feeling of being watched returned. My gaze flicked around the room, trying to find any sign of someone else here. 

I jumped slightly as the grand doors opened revealing Damien. He stormed towards me, stopping at the foot of the stage. I raised from my seat and stepped off the stage towards him. 

"Mara, we need to talk." His voice was cold and his body was rigid.

"What is it?" Concern weaved through me as Damien scanned the room to see if anyone was with us.

The eerie sense of being watched never left as Damien guided me towards a table in the middle of the room and sat me down. I quickly peered over my shoulder but as usual, no one was there.

"Mara, I have word of that demon who attacked your mortal home." My fists clenched slightly as I nodded for him to continue.

"The demon was from the Royal house." 

Fear flooded into Damien's eyes as he reached for me. A coldness rushed through me, willing me to move out of Damien's reach and I did. I watched as he frowned slightly then continue speaking.

"The Royal house is run by the devil himself. Lucifer is after you Mara, you aren't safe anymore. That first demon was merely a warning. I need to get you out of here and somewhere he will never find you." He stood up and grasped my arm, dragging me to my feet. 

"Let go of me, Damien!" I growled out in warning but Damien ignored me. 

His grip on my arm was rough and hard. I jerked slightly to escape it but he wouldn't let go. 

"I SAID ENOUGH!" Wings exploded from my back in a burst of anger.

The wave of power that surged through me slammed into Damien and he flew across the grand room and collided with the stone wall. A loud crack echoed through the room as he hit the ground. My anger quickly died down when he struggled to stand to his feet. His left leg was twisted at an awkward angle. With a swift pop, he had pushed it back into place and was not glaring at me.

"Damien, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you." I pleaded as my wings folded away.

His furious eyes watched me as he stepped forwards.

"You don't understand the power you possess Mara. It's that ignorance that will get you killed. You are nothing but a weak girl trying to find herself, but you won't." He snapped. His words stung but he didn't stop there.

"You are the reason everyone you love either ends up hurt or dead." Those words slammed into me so hard I staggered backward. 

Damien was right. I was to blame for everything that had happened. The threat to my family's life and Tyler's death rested on my shoulders. A tear trailed down my cheek but I wiped it quickly, refusing to show weakness.

Damien's harsh features soften at the sight of the tear and his shoulders slumped forwards.

"Mara, I didn't mean that. I was just angry. Please forgive me." I looked up at him. 

"I think you should leave Damien." He shook his head and stepped towards me.

"Mara, please, I..." 


Damien looked as if he were about to protest but in the end, he nodded his head and turned away. I watched as he walked out of the grand room, the doors slamming behind him. A numbness washed over me.

I knew what I was doing was pushing everyone away but it was for their own safety. I didn't have full control over my power yet, so this was the best way to protect them. 

I quickly left the grand room and went to the bedroom I slept in last night. The tears had begun to fall freely by the time I clambered into bed, still fully clothed but I didn't care. I couldn't. My life was never going to be the same again and I mourned that.

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