XI. Rescue Mission, Kind Of

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• Akari •

Akari, Feitan, and Illumi walked to an outdoor shelter of a park near the grocery store. Akari sat down and sighed.

Illumi brought up a variation of his previous question. "Where do you two want to have a private discussion?"

"We could go to the library," Akari offered.

"Tch. Who goes to the library anymore?"

Illumi looked at Feitan. "It's actually not a bad idea, though I don't think you could enter the Hunter library since you're not a Hunter. Also, someone else could already be there."

Akari shook her head. "Not the Hunter library. We could book one of the study rooms."

"Oh. Can you get one of those on short notice?" Illumi asked.

"Yeah, if one's available."

"What are you – some kind of library goddess or something?" Feitan inquired, sarcastically.

"I work there, Uncle," Akari snapped.

"Okay, okay." Feitan raised his hands in defeat. "But only bookworms and nerds would work at a place like that. Who would want to be around dustyass books all day?"

"I'm a Crime Hunter, Feitan," Akari said through gritted teeth. "It's my job to research and solve crimes!"

"Let's just say I had no idea," Feitan waved her off.

"Don't let Feitan get to you," Illumi remarked, as he patted Feitan's head. "He's not the most capable when it comes to communication."

Feitan angrily shot out from under Illumi's hand. "Look who's talking," he growled.

Akari laughed. "You two are too funny."

"Oh? How so?" Illumi seemed genuinely curious. Feitan gave Akari a questioning look.

"Well, for starters, you're both arguing over who's better at communication. Let me just say you both have poor communication skills."

"Really? I thought I was good at speaking my mind," Illumi thought out loud.

"Oh, you are," Akari verified. "However, being blunt doesn't mean you're good at communicating. There's an emotional element that doesn't seem to be present in your communication."

"Mmm, I don't understand. Don't emotions make someone weak?"

"No, Illumi. There's something called sympathy and empathy, and both are vital for proper communication." Akari made a mental note to suggest some communication books to Illumi.

"Why would anyone need emotion for some simple communication?" Feitan asked. "In our line of work, emotion only gets in the way."

"Ah, mmmhmm," Illumi affirmed.

"You two are so strange." Akari shook her head in disappointment.

The two Phantom Troupe members just stared at her blankly. Feitan snapped out of his trance first. "Okay, let's go to the library. Let's not waste more time. I don't want to be with you all night."

"I agree. The faster we talk about this, the better." Illumi started walking out from under the shelter, and Feitan and Akari followed.

• Kurapika •

By the time Kurapika made it to the grocery store, Gon and Killua were already there. "Wow, you two were quick," Kurapika commented.

Gon laughed. "Well, we were next door."

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