Chapter Five

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"Don't leave" Jackson cried as he held onto me. "I'll be back soon babe" I reassure him but I doubt it did much to help. It was sadly sunday morning around 9:30 which meant it was time for me to head back home.

Jack was the last person to say goodbye to and as usual he was the hardest to say it to. "She won't be gone for long bud" Liam spoke up as he stepped towards us, I nod to him which let him know to take Jack from me. I kiss the young boy on the head and whisper 'love you' to him, he quickly returned it before Liam lifted him up and held him in his arms.

Jackson cried out and tried to get out of Liam's arms, but he simply wasn't strong enough. "Alright I better go, I love you all" I say as I take a step back to look at my family. Liam holding Jack who continued to cry, dad standing with his arm around Sammy, both with a smile on their faces.

"Drive safe kiddo" dad spoke up, I nod and wave once before turning around and climb into my car, I know if I don't leave straight away I'll get out and not leave. So once buckled in I reverse out of the parking spot and drive away without looking back. Leaving dad's was always hard, but I had to get back to mum.

The drive back home went by quickly since I tried my hardest not to stop, I only stopped once and that was on the outskirts of home because I really needed to go to the toilet and there was a starbucks so I just had to stop.

I soon pull into the driveway to see mum's car wasn't in the driveway, that either meant she was parked in the garage which she usually doesn't do, or she simply wasn't home which also surprised me. Mum's always home when I get back.

I turn the igntion off and get out of the car, once I had my bag of belongings, made sure I had my phone, purse and keys, I shut and lock the car door before walking across to the front door

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I turn the igntion off and get out of the car, once I had my bag of belongings, made sure I had my phone, purse and keys, I shut and lock the car door before walking across to the front door.

Mum always keeps the front door locked, so once at the door I unlock it before walking inside. "Mum!" I call out to the silent house, no reply, that's strange. I kick my shoes off at the door, put my keys in the bowl by the door and head towards the kitchen.

"Mum" I call out again but still not reply, I let out a sigh at my great homecomming and take a seat at the kitchen counter and pull my phone out to see if I had any messages from mum but nothing. I send dad a quick text to let him know I arrived safely before locking my phone, I place it down on the counter and as I do so, I hear the front door open and hushed voices.

I get up from the counter and walk out of the kitchen, I instantly stop once I see who was here, it was mum and some guy I've never met before. The guy wasn't the problem, it was my mum. She was drunk.

"Mum?" I question, she looked over at me and giggled "baby girl you're back" I grimance and shake my head at her as she walked over and tried to hug me. "You're drunk mum" I state the obvious. "Of course dear, I went out with my friend here" She said motioning to the guy standing awkwardly at the front door.

"You're a recovering alcoholic mum! You can't drink" I tell her, getting angry. When I was around 10 mum became an alcholic, she  would bring random guys home and do who knows what while I locked myself in my bedroom. "I'm sorry, I didn't know" the guy at the front door spoke up, he looked quite innocent so I didn't blame him.

Mum came good when she nearly lost custody of me to dad, and promised she'd never drink again. She's been good the last 6 years since then but apparently her promise doesn't mean shit.

"Who cares baby, I was out having fun" mum slurred but I shake my head in digust, I should have just stayed with dad. I give mum once last look before grabbing my phone from the kitchen and head up to my room making sure not to pay any attention to mum and the guy who had now moved to the couch.

Once in my room I slam my door shut and lock it so she couldn't come in once she had sobered up. It was only early in the afternoon but I had no plans on going out after that encounter so I grab a pair of black leggings and a white oversized shirt from my wardrobe and change into them before climbing into bed.

I was lucky enough to have a tv mounted on my bedroom wall so I turn it on and go onto netflix to binge watch something to get my mind off what just happened. Before getting too invested in the show I picked I decide to call my dad.

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