Chapter Eight

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The sound of glass breaking instantly woke me up from my sleep making me sit up in shock. "Elle?" I hear Spencer question with a bit of urgency in his voice. I look down on the bed to see Spencer's name on my phone screen. Which meant we never hung up from our call last night.

I pick the phone up and take it off speaker before putting it up to my ear as the sound of glass breaking continued from downstairs. "I'm fine, I'll message you later" Before Spencer could say anything I hang the phone up. I get up from my bed, slide my slippers on before quietly making my way downstairs with my phone tightly clutched in my hand.

As I reach the last step the wood made a sound under my weight. I grimace and look towards the kitchen as the sound of footsteps headed towards me. A second later my mum came into view. She was drunk.


"You okay?" Lula whispered from beside me, we were currently in the cafeteria for lunch. "Yeah I'm fine" I reply giving her a small fake smile before taking another bite from my chicken wrap. After this mornings encounter with my mother I have barely spoken and have kept my head down most the day.

I have also been ignoring Spencer all day, he started to notice I was ignoring him so he started spamming my phone which lead me to turning it off and it's been switched off since.

Lula decided not to question me any more and continued to eat her lunch. Usually Mary would be with us as well but she was off in the library studying for a test she has coming up. If she was here with us there's no doubt she'd let it down and question me until I spilled the beans so I'm quite thankful she has to study.

The rest of the school day went by fast and without any problems and it was now time to go home. Great just what I want. Once I dropped the girls off at their houses I pull into the driveway of my house. Mum's car wasn't parked out the front which made me release a sigh of relief.

Once safely in my bedroom with the door locked I have a quick shower and a cry before turning my phone on.

What a mistake that was.

The amount of missed calls and text messages nearly made me drop my phone. By the look of the numbers it looks like Spencer hasn't stopped trying to contact me all day, he's also had my brother try to contact me.

Before I could even open any of my social media apps my phone started vibrating and Spencer's name popped up on my screen. He was trying to face-time me. I reluctantly accept the call but keep my camera off. I had no make-up on because of my shower and I didn't want him to see the state of my face.

"Elle" Spencer breathed out in relief. "Hi" I speak softly, I didn't want to hide my emotions anymore and just the sight of him made me want to break down in tears.

"Are you okay?" He questions with his eyebrows raised in concern. "Yeah I'm fine" I reply as I pick at my black tights. "Turn the camera on then" well shit.

"I just got out of the shower" I reply to him hoping he took my excuse. "Elle I don't care" he replied back with an eyeroll. I could tell he was starting to become frustrated and I didn't blame him. I was difficult.

Instead of using more words Spencer just stared into the camera knowing it was eating me alive. I let out a sigh and turn my camera on to show half my face as I lean back into my pillows.

"You've been crying" Spencer pointed out as he sat up slightly in his bed showing off his shirtless chest. "No I haven't" I lie to him but I knew he didn't believe me. "What happened?" I didn't even get a chance to make up an excuse because the sound of the front door slamming made me jump.

"Elle" I look away from Spencer and towards me bedroom door which was still locked. "Elle!" Mum shouted from downstairs "don't you dare hang up" Spencer spoke up as I go to hang up the call to see what my mum wanted. I let out a sigh and put my phone in my jumper pocket before walking out of my room.

From downstairs I could hear my mum slurring her words as she spoke to an unknown male. I slowly make my way downstairs to the lounge room where my mum and her new toy were standing. Yet again she was drunk but that was no surprise for me anymore.

"Get here you slut" I whimper slightly and step closer to my mother, but I apparently wasn't fast enough because she reached out and pulled me closer by my hair.

"Walk faster next time" she growled before slapping me across the cheek, right where she had done the night before. Tears make their way down my cheek before she pushed me backwards, I lose my footing and fall to the ground.

Mum laughed and kicked me in the side as she took the random guys hand and lead him upstairs to her bedroom. I let out a cry and curl up in a ball once she was out of sight.

"Elle what the fuck is going on?!"

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