Chapter Six

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Monday's suck.

This morning sucked. I woke up to my annoying alarm, got up, showered and got ready for school. I was luckily ready and out of the house before mum was awake so thankfully I didn't have to deal with her. To make my morning a little better I of course stopped in at starbucks to get a drink.

"How was your dad's?" One of my friends Lula questioned as our little group sit at one of the tables out the back of the school waiting for the bell to ring. "Good" I give a short reply as I continue to sip my iced mocha. "How's that step-brother of yours?" Mary asked with a wink. I reply to her question with a fake gag.

All of my friends follow Liam on his instagram and always gush about his pictures. Now that Liam has been brought up they started gushing about his newest upload. Which was the shirtless photo I took of him moving hay. I roll my eyes at all their remarks and pull my phone out to see I had a snapchat from Spencer.

After our little lunch 'date' the other day we became quite close and we've been snapchatting a fair bit since I left

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After our little lunch 'date' the other day we became quite close and we've been snapchatting a fair bit since I left. I smile slightly at the image he sent me, looks like he was either getting ready to go to work, or help his pa on the farm.

I press reply and send him a snapchat of my starbucks coffee on the table with the caption school sucks. The school bell soon rung so I get up off the table and follow my friends into the school building. I didn't have the same class as any of my friends so I bit them all goodbye and head up to the second floor.

Along the way I greated a few people I knew, ignored some pick up lines from the football jocks and stopped at my locker. I soon reach my class and take a seat up the back. The second bell soon rung and the lesson started.


School thankfully went by fast without any hiccups along the way. One of the good things about coming to school was the sports programs this school offered. I was currently on the girls soccer team which has gone to nationals for the last ten years. I've been on it since freshman year and I love it.

My last class ends at 3:30 and soccer practice starts at 4. My last class was nearby the field so I was able to make it there before the rush of kids entered the change rooms. "Hey girl" Mary greeted as I walked out of the change room dressed in some sporty clothes. We didn't have to wear anything specific for practice so I usually wore what was comfortable.

"Hey" I greet back with a smile, she was still dressed in the clothes she wore for school. "I'll meet you out there" I nod and continue to walk towards the soccer field passing by some of my teammates in the process. Looks like i'll be the first out.

Seeing as nobody else was out at the field, not even the couch I take a seat on the grass and turn my phone on. This school had a strict rule of phones off during class time and I was always afraid of my phone getting taken away so I obeyed by the rule.

I wait a moment for my phone to catch up on all the notifications before opening a text from dad. Call me after practice I decide not to reply to him and go onto snapchat to see I had a couple more snapchats from Spencer. Nothing was really worth replying back to so I simply just send a photo.

Some of my teammates soon arrive out to the field following by our coach, seeing as he was now here I lock my phone and place it down near the water bottles

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Some of my teammates soon arrive out to the field following by our coach, seeing as he was now here I lock my phone and place it down near the water bottles. "Get started on stretches girls" coach called out, I walk over to Lula and Mary and begin stretching so we can start practice.

"Dinner?" Lula questioned once we were all changed out of our sweaty attire. Coach really pushed us today and it felt great. I love putting everything I can into soccer, it let me escape reality.

"Yeah sure" I reply back, Mary replied with the same answer. I didn't feel like going back home right now so going out to get dinner with friends is what I needed. "I just need to call dad" I tell the girls who nodded and started chatting to each other about something.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and call dad, I make sure to walk away from the girls knowing what dad wants to talk about. Last night when I called him he was far from happy. "Hey baby girl" dad spoke as he answered my call "hey dad" I reply back as I lean back against the brick wall.

"I spoke to our lawyer and he's looking into the custody arrangement" straight to the point. "Full custody?" I question quietly, not wanting anybody to listen in. "I've requested full but we'll have to wait and see" I nod even though he couldn't see.

"Call me if anything else happens and i'll try speed things up" "okay" I reply back, not really knowing what to say. "I'll let you get back to what you were doing, love you" dad spoke up after a moment of silence "love you too dad" I reply back before he hung up. "Ready?" Mary asked as she walked out of the locker room with Lula behind her.

I nod my head and follow them to the car park. On the walk we throw some suggestions around before deciding on the local diner for dinner. Mary and Lula don't own a car so we all jump into mine and I drive us there.

The whole way there we blasted music, sung our lungs out and laughed until we nearly wet our pants. "Ooh the jocks are here" Mary said as I parked the car in the first vacant spot I found. Mary was indeed correct, the football jocks were surrounding the enterance of the diner.

"Yay" I say sarcastically as I get out of the car, the football jocks were all assholes, they all only thought with their dicks, wanting to get in every girls pants. The walk into the diner consisted of pick up lines, me fake gagging at their attempts and the girls soaking it all in loving the attention.

"Ew" I say as we walk through the front door and head to a vacant booth. "Did you see Jake? He tapped my butt" Lula gushed as we sat down, I make a point of gagging at that statement which made them both laugh.

Lula and Jake have always had a 'thing'. They've hooked up a few times and it never really goes past that. Mary has probably hooked up with one or more of them as well. I wasn't one to judge seeing as in freshman year I thought I had something with one of the jocks but all he wanted was sex.

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