Chapter Thirteen

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"How'd I do?" Liam questioned as he pulled a t-shirt on over his head. "Not as good as me" Spencer cheekily replied from behind him.

They had three races throughout the day and raced against each other in each one. Spencer came first in each and Liam came second. "Well he's not lying" I say with a laugh as my brother sulked.

They both did incredibly well for the condition of the track. It was very muddy so both boys got caked in mud not that either of them cared. Well Spencer did when I refused to let him touch me.

"Good job boys" dad spoke as he walked over to the gazebo where we were standing. He had taken Jack to the bathrooms once the last race finished and by the looks of it made a pitstop at the merch stand.

I knew this because Jackson was sporting a new cap and a big smile on his face. "Hey where's mine?" Spencer joked to the seven year old. "At the shop" Jackson giggled as Spencer tickled him, I smile at their interaction and snap a cheeky photo of the two.

"Spence you coming tonight?" Some random guy asked as he walked past the gazebo "Yeah I'll be there" Spencer replied to the random, I look at Spencer and raise an eyebrow at him to question where he was going.

"Party tonight" Liam informed me as he noticed me trying to question Spencer who hadn't noticed. "Can I go?" I question, Liam shrugged so I turn towards dad who was shaking his head at me.

"Can I please go daddy?" I ask as I pout at him trying to convince him to let me go. "You're too young Elle" Dad said with a sigh making me frown "we'll look after her" Spencer told dad as he put his helmet into a bag designed for it.

"You two better not take your eyes off her" dad said as he gave the two teenage boys a pointed look. "We won't" Liam and Spencer chorused together making me grin. I was going to a party for the first time.


"Hurry up Elle" Liam whined from outside my bedroom door, I roll my eyes at him for about the tenth time. Liam had said the dress code was pretty casual so I had gotten dressed in some jeans and a nice top.

I put the finishing touches on my make-up before opening my bedroom door to see Liam standing there impatiently. "About time" he said with a huff before walking down the hallway towards our dad who was waiting.

"If you drink, please be careful" dad said as he looked at the both of us. I was only sixteen so I doubt I'd be drinking any alcohol but knowing my nearly nineteen year old brother he'd be drinking.

"Yes dad" we both say as I give him a little hug to thank him for letting me go. "Alright no go have fun" we both nod and head out of the house and over to Liam's truck.

"We're picking Spencer up on the way" I nod my head and climb into the passenger seat of the truck and buckled in. "So" I look towards Liam as he paused his sentence to focus on the road as he merged.

"What's going on with you and Spencer?" Liam questioned, I feel my cheeks heat up at the question as I reply to him. "Nothing" Liam let out a laugh as he pulled into Spencer's driveway.

"Nothing? I see the way you two interact" I let out a scoff and shake my head at him "I don't know what's happening between us, we haven't spoken about it" I tell him as he parked the car. "I'm sure things will work out" Liam spoke as we watched Spencer walk out the front door and towards us.

He noticed I was sitting in the front so he climbed in the back and sat down behind me. "Hey" he greeted, I turn around slightly to look at him "hi" I greet as I give him a smile which he returned "Hey dude, ready to get fucked up?" Liam greeted him as he began driving to the location of the party.

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