Chapter Sixteen

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Today was the day, it was Friday which meant it was the day for my date with Spencer. I was beyond excited.

This morning Spence had Liam drive me to school so he could pick me up without the worry of having my car left behind.

"Have fun with your boy" I roll my eyes but thank Tom before walking out of the school building, all four boys had after school detention so they had to go back to Mrs Henderson's classroom.

As soon as I was out of the building I spot Spencer's car parked a few parking spots down so I immediately make my way over to him. As usual he was leaning against his car with a sweet smile on his face. "Hi" I greet him as I stop in front of him "Hey, how was school?" He questioned before leaning down to place a kiss on my cheek.

"It was alright, I had gym today which was good" he nodded and pulled the passenger door open for me, I go to climb in but stop and mentally squeal in happiness. On the passenger seat was a McDonald's paper bag and in the cup holder was an iced coffee from starbucks.

I turn to look at Spencer to see he had a cheeky smile on his face "I could kiss you right now" I tell him, I had sent him a message about an hour ago telling him I was hungry and this is how he picks me up.

"Well I won't stop you" I let out a giggle and walk over to him, I stand on my tippy toes so I was tall enough before placing a sweet kiss on his cheek. "Alright we better head off. Don't want to be late" I nod my head and climb into the passenger seat after moving the bag of food.

Before I could shut the door Spencer beat me to it so I thank him once he got into his side of the car. "Just being a gentleman" he replied with a smile. "I hope they satisfy your needs" He said as he motioned towards the food and coffee.

"I'm sure they will, thank you" I say as I take a fry out of the bag and eat it. "Did you not get any food?" I question Spencer as I glance in the bag to see there was only one meal, a cheese burger and fries.
"I ate mine while waiting for you to get out" I nod my head and continue to eat my fries as Spencer drove.

He hadn't told me where we were going and I knew better than to ask.

We ended up driving for a bit over an hour and a half before arriving at our destination which was a popular tourist beach and pier. We used to come here a fair bit when we were younger with our families. "I haven't been here for years" I exclaim as Spencer parked the car.

"I know, you used to love it" he said with a chuckle as we both climb out of the car. "The fairs not on but I thought it would still be nice" Spencer spoke as we head down to the beach.

"It is nice, I love it here" I say and intertwine our fingers together when Spencer offered his hand to me.

To save myself having sand in my shoes, I let go of Spencer's hand once we reached the sand and slipped my shoes and socks off. Spencer noticed what I was doing and did the same before taking hold of my hand again.

The beach was pretty empty which was good, it meant we had it to ourselves. For what seemed like hours Spencer and I walked along the beach just talking, swinging our hands back and forth.

We both grew hungry even though we both ate McDonald's just a few hours ago so we were now heading towards the diner that was located on the pier.

Growing up I used to love going there for their fries, burgers and milkshakes. I hope they hadn't changed too much.

"Race you to the diner?" I question Spencer, who without even replying let go of my hand and took of running

"Hey! That's not fair" I call out before running after him, I'm not sure if he was even trying because I soon catch up to him and when I go to overtake he reached out and grabbed me around my waist.

Before we could tumble over we came to a slow stop with laughter "You cheated" I exclaim with laughter "don't know what you're talking about" Spencer replied with a cheeky smile. We had now reached the diner but we didn't move from our position, I was standing facing Spence who still had his arms around my waist.

I look over his face just taking in his features, and because of this I didn't notice Spence was leaning in closer until his face was pretty much right in front of mine. His eyes glance down at my lips before looking back into my eyes.

I nervously bite down on my bottom lip, I had hoped this would happen but now that the time had come I was scared. What if we start what ever this is and he leaves me for someone his own age, he was nearly nineteen while I am only sixteen.

All my worries flew out the window when Spencer reached up, pulled my lip from my teeth before leaning down and kissing me.


"Be mine?" I smile as I think of those words that Spencer spoke just a mere two hours beforehand. I of course said yes to his question so here we are on our way back home. After dinner at the diner we walked the pier and beach again before heading off.

"What are you smiling at?" Spencer questioned as we came to a stop at a set of traffic lights, the street lights lit the car up letting him see my face. I turn to him and smile again before reaching over to take his hand in mine.

"Just remembering that I'm yours" he chuckled before squeezing my hand "you've been mine for a while, I just had to make it official" I roll my eyes playfully at him before letting go of his hand so he could start driving again.

Before I knew it Spencer was pulling into my driveway, I let out a groan making Spence chuckle. "I'll be here tomorrow, so try not to miss me too much" I stick my tongue out at Spencer cheekily as he parked the car and turned to me.

"Text me when you get home" he nodded and leaned across the console to give me a kiss before I got out and waved goodbye. "So?" Liam questioned as I walk into the house, I kick my shoes off before joining him on the couch.

"He probably already told you" I say with a laugh and he nodded his head "he did, I just wanted to hear you say it" I roll my eyes at his reply, of course Spencer had already sent my brother a text about our new relationship.

For a little while Liam and I sat there on the couch watching whatever he had on, well I scrolled through my socials on my phone not really paying any attention.

"I'm going to bed, goodnight" I inform my brother as I got up off the couch, he gave me a slight wave and continued to concentrate on his show as I walked out of the lounge and to my bedroom. As soon as I shut my door my phone vibrated in my hand.

I look down to see Spencer had sent me a message letting me know he had made it home safely and wished I was there with him. I send him a quick reply back before changing into some comfortable pjs and got into my bed.

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