Chapter Eighteen

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By the time I got home last night with Tea, Spencer had already gone home so that was a bit disappointing, but he did make it up to me by facetiming while he played his precious video games. It was now Sunday which meant it was the first practice session for the soccer team I had joined. 

After try-outs the other week I finally got an email to say I got a position on the squad which was really exciting, a group chat had been made not long after the team list was finalised so I have been chatting and making friends with a few of my teammates who I will get to meet today. 

"What time do you have to be there?" Dad questioned as I sit with him in the kitchen, he was going over some paperwork while I scrolled through my phone while also messaging with Spence. "Umm it starts at 1" I reply as I quickly check the time to see it was 11:30 which meant I should get ready and head off shortly. Dad replied with a small head nod. "Good luck darlin" I thank Dad before getting off my chair and head to my bedroom to get dressed. 

Seeing as this is the first practice session I don't have any of the team kit yet so I get dressed in a pair of black Nike leggings, a sports bra and my old school's jersey. I had finally spoken to Lula and Mary about what had happened, minus a few details that they didn't need to know, just so they knew I probably won't be coming back, not for now atleast. 

After packing my bag with my soccer boots, water bottle and a few other things I head back to the kitchen where dad was still sitting. "I'm heading off now dad" "okay darlin, drive safe" I nod my head and head out to the porch where I slip my shoes on and head over to my car. 

"Hey Elle!" I turn to see Sam running over to me, she was one of my new teammates who I had gotten along with quite well during our practice session. "Hey Sam, what's up?" I ask as I put my bag on my back. Practice was just finishing so I was about to head home. 

"A couple of us were heading to the diner for some milkshakes, I was wondering if you wanted to come?" I nod my head excitedly "of course!" She grinned and lead me over to her small group of friends from the team. 

Seeing as we all didn't have cars with us we split up into little groups and headed towards the diner, I of course sent dad a little text letting him know my plans so he wasn't worried. I had Sam and Megan in my car, thankfully I got all the rubbish out earlier so my car wasn't messy. 

About five minuets later we arrived and once grouped up with the rest of the girls we headed inside and found a booth that would fit us all. 

We all quickly glanced at the menus and placed our orders so it would get to us quicker, once I placed my order I felt my phone buzz in my pocket so I pull it out to see Spencer had sent me a message.

Spencer: bit rude of you to leave me with your brother

I let out a little giggle before replying to his message

Me: you'll be fine

My little giggle caught the attention of the girls at the table so when I look up they were all giving me looks to say 'spill'. I let out a laugh and fill them in on Spencer.

"Aww you two are so cute!" Sam gushed as she passed my phone around with a photo of Spenc, Liam and I. "Ooh who's the other hottie?" Charlie questions making us all laugh

"That's Liam, my step brother" I reply, and not even five minuets later Liam had five new followers on instagram which made me playfully roll my eyes.


"Save me" Spencer whined as he walked into my bedroom, I hadn't even been home for five minuets before he realised I was back.

"Aww what's wrong?" I ask in a baby voice as I look through my wardrobe to find some comfortable pyjamas for me to change into after my shower. "Your brother is being annoying" I let out a laugh and shake my head as I grab a grey t-shirt and some sleep shorts.

"Good choice on that shirt" Liam said as he noticed my choice of clothing. I look down at it to see what was important about it. Turns out it belonged to the teenage boy standing in my room.

Just to tease him I go to put it back but he quickly pulled me away from my wardrobe and into his chest. "Don't you dare" I giggle and wiggle my way out of his arms so I could turn around and look at him. "And why not?" I question looking up at him.

He put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer before moving his head down so his mouth was next to my ear. "Because you look so fucking sexy in my clothes" a blush made it's way onto my cheeks as I go to push him away. He let out a laugh and kissed my neck before letting me go.

"Hey Liam" I call out to my brother who was just walking past my room from the kitchen. "Yeah?" He questioned as he poked his head in my room not surprised to see his best friend in here.

"Please take your best friend with you" he laughed and told Spencer to get out, he obliged but sulked as he did. I blow him a kiss goodbye before going to the bathroom so I could have a shower.

I tried not to take too long in the shower knowing Dad would want hot water once he came back up to the house, so I quickly wash myself and get out.

Once I was dressed I walk out of the bathroom and instead of going to my room I walk down the hall and enter my brothers messy room. I scrunch my nose up in disgust as I look around. The two teenage boys were sitting on the couch focused on the TV in front of them, both holding onto video game controllers.

I sneak up behind the boys and lean down so my face was pretty much in the crook of Spencer's neck and lightly start kissing his skin. I instantly feel him tense up and hear Liam's laugh as Spencer died in the video game.

I stop what I was doing and walk back out of the room without a word. I enter my room and climb under the comforter on my bed as I turn my TV on with the remote that was on my bedside table.

Not even two minuets later my bedroom door was pushed closed behind the teenage boy who ditched his best friend. "That was mean" Spenc sulked as he walked across to my bed and pulled his shirt off over his head. I somehow choked on air as I look at his toned abdomen and I can pretty much hear the smirk on Spencer's face.

"Now that's mean" I say as he leant over and slid me over so he could climb into bed beside me. "You love it" I humm and turn away from him so I could turn a TV show on. "This show is shit" Spencer whined as he looked to see what I put on. "If you don't like greys anatomy feel free to leave" Spencer didn't say anything after that, instead he pulled me into his shirtless chest and let me watch my show.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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