Love, Your Anti-Fan - Chapter 03

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From : Sarawat Guntithanon (
To : Mr Chic (
Date : 25 Sep 2021, 07:42 PM

Are you here, Anti-Fan? Please tell me you are.

I'm headed out to the stage in fifteen minutes. I hope you enjoy the show and I get to see you later.

Wish me luck!


From : Mr Chic (
To : Sarawat Guntithanon (
Date : 25 Sep 2021, 07:46 PM

I'm busy right now trying to find a spot where I'm not being jostled to an inch of my life by your over-enthusiastic fans. Can I save my eye-rolls for later?

I'm here only for the free meal you promised. I'm a growing boy with limited resources and an unlimited appetite.

I'll save my best wishes for myself given that I'm the one whose eardrums are going to be assaulted in a bit.

Your Anti-Fan

P.S : Break a leg. I mean it literally.

P.P.S : No, I don't. You know what I mean.

From : Sarawat Guntithanon (
To : Mr Chic (
Date : 25 Sep 2021, 07:50 PM

OMG, you're here?! I haven't felt this nervous in a long time.

I have a surprise for you tonight. Tell me if you liked it when I see you later.


P.S : Don't you think it's high time we exchanged numbers so it's easier for us to communicate real time? Texting would be great. Calling would be even better.

From : Mr Chic (
To : Sarawat Guntithanon (
Date : 25 Sep 2021, 07:58 PM

Dear Artist-Of-The-Year according to Rolling Stone but not me,

The only number you're getting from me is the count of dishes I'm going to order when you finally admit I'm right and you're wrong about the whole Luke situation.

Why would I subject myself to more direct ways of being annoyed by you? I'm already surrounded by ten-feet-tall replicas of you glaring at me from all directions.

The decor for your concert is disturbing and leaves much to be desired.

I may or may not have drawn a moustache on some of your posters. You should consider growing one. It would improve your looks by hiding part of your face.

Now stop emailing and start the show! Give these fifteen thousand saps who actually paid money to be here, their due.

The sooner they stop screaming "Sa-ra-wat, Sa-ra-wat" the better it would be for my blood pressure.

Luke is chanting with them, by the way. I've never seen him this excited. He's holding on to the backstage passes like his life depends on them.

I'm not jealous at all. In fact, I have a glow stick in my hand that I've twisted into a special shape in your honour.

If you see a fluorescent yellow dick floating in the air, it's Luke. I've stuck it on his cap and he doesn't even know.

This is me NOT wishing you good luck (I know you're grinning. Stop.)

Prepared for the worst,
Your Anti-Fan

P.S : I hope my ear plugs work!

P.P.S : Sadly, they don't.

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