Thirty: And Some More Promises...

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Harry, Niall, and Liam had left. Louis and Zayn stayed. As they were supposed to be 'protecting' us. I look over at Zayn, him typing away on his phone. Louis raiding through the fridge, then walking towards Lauren and I. "What's going on with you and Niall?" He asks, with a grin forming onto his face. Lauren blushes,"Nothing." He laughs,"Niall told me what happened! No need to lie!" He basically yells, making me raise an eyebrow at her. She blushing even a brighter red. Louis then turns to me, giving me a look.

"I don't know how you did it.." he mumbles. I look at him, confused. "Did what?" I ask. He smiles,"You managed to get Harry back to his old self. After...Emily..He kinda kept to himself. But now I see him slowly getting back to normal." I nod, smiling. I never knew that, I knew that he kept to himself. I just thought that was normal of him.

I start thinking of a Harry, that was unstressed, and care free. Let me tell you, it was a beautiful sight. I get lost in my thoughts as they drift away to the man, and how Harry said he was going to protect me. I couldn't help but wonder, how he could promise such a big thing like that. But I was for sure, I liked him..A lot..I don't know about love. But it's pretty damn, close to it.

The front door slams, and I look up seeing Harry walk in, with Niall and Liam. Harry puts a hand though his hair in frustration. Liam sighs sitting down, Niall sitting beside him, not having a happy look on his face either. "What happened?" Louis asks. Liam speaks up, "I think we got him thinking we were on his side,-"

"That's good!-" Louis interrupts. Liam sighs,"No, he's planning to use the flash drive. Soon." He says, with a frown.

Causing Louis light smile, fade. Harry didn't speak a word until Niall speaks up, "I have a plan. But it could be risky." He says, Harrys jaw clenched.  "Tomorrow, Dave said he will be meeting with some people. He will be out of his 'territory'  and we could steal the flashdrive." He says, looking around at the guys.

Louis nods, as if agreeing with his idea. Harry shakes his head, "No, we can't. That's too risky, we could get caught. What would we do then!?" He asks, getting more frustrated each second. Zayn looks at him, "We have to try something, if we don't. England can be in tons of trouble.." he says, sincerely towards Harry. Harry looks at him, wanting to deny.

He looks at me, "Camila, can I talk to you for a second..?" He asks. I nod, looking confused. He walks me to his room, shutting the door. He walks closer to me, "Can you promise me something?"
I nod, "Yeah, sure." I reply. He smiles, "If I agree to this plan. Promise me you won't do anything stupid, or anything that could get you killed." He says, looking me in the eyes.

"What if, you are in danger.." I say. His hand reaches up to touch my cheek, stroking it.

"Leave me, alright. Just run. Don't try to save me. If you die, my life wouldn't be worth living."

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