Thirty-One: Unknown.

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I shake my head, "Harry, no. I can't do that." I say; sadly. He frowns, "Please, Camila." I look down, not meeting his eyes. "It's either both of us, or none of us." I say, confidently. He sighs, "Bu-" he gets interrupted when Niall bursts through the door. "The guys said, we need answer. Since we have to start this plan, soon." He says, awkwardly. Harry steps away from me, looking at me in doubt. "Okay. Fine." He says, sighing. Niall smiles, happy probably since everyone agreed on his idea. Niall leaves the room, i was about to jpin him when, Harry pulled me back. My chest hitting his chest. He pulls me closer to him, until his lips were on mine. He kisses me slowly and passionately. His arms wrapping around my slim waist. When he pulls apart, to my disappointment. "You are perfect, Camila." He whispers against my lips. We both leave the room, Harry lips swollen a bit from the kiss. My face red, from the blushing. His loght smile disappeared. Replaced with a worried kind of look. As if saying he knew something was going to go wrong.
Liam then says,"Okay. Now who's going and who's staying?"
Zayn speaks up,"Remember, Dave wanted some of us to come with. Since he wanted us to 'support' him while he was convincing the leader of the other group to join him. So some of us need to go to the meeting tomorrow." He tells us, as he finally sat his phone down.

"I think definitely Liam can come with us to get the flash drive. Because he's trusted by Dave." Louis says. Zayn, Liam, and Niall nods. Harry not making any movements.
"Harry I think you should go to the meeting. He already thinks that you're going to betray him.."

Harry sighs,"What's about Camila?..and Lauren? Who's going to watch them? Because Liam is going need back up if he's going to get the flash drive." Lauren seems to get offensive, oh god. "I think we can watch ourselves, we're not scared little girls." She says, even though seconds ago was scared out of her wits.

Louis shakes his head, while Harry seems to find that funny. "Okay, what about this. Liam, Niall go to get the flashdrive. Zayn, Harry go to the meeting. I can watch over them." Louis suggests. They all agree, as I got a text message.
Unknown: You won't be protected for long.
My heart started to beat out of my chest, hardly. My breathing hitched, I was really scared. I didn't know, what to do. Even Harry's protective grip around my waist, wasn't calming me down. I won't be protected for long.

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