Forty-One: Party.

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I was sitting on the living room couch, as Lauren tried to convince me to go to yet another party.

"Do you not remember that we are in danger right now. Somebody could just capture us. We can't just be going places, Lauren." I say, with a serious look. She nods, with a mocking look towards me.

"I know that. Niall told me, about this party. All of the guys are going, including Harry." She smiles.

I groan,"Okay, I'll go. Only because, I don't want to stay here by myself." She laughs, sitting beside me.

As she got her phone out, my phone vibrated, signaling that I have gotten a text.

Unknown: I'm watching your every move. You won't be protected forever, I'll see you soon.

I sigh, fear rising up inside me.

Should I tell Harry?

Or will it just cause more drama?

I don't want him to get angry or worried before the party.

I'll tell him, after.

Harry walks in, he kisses me on the cheek. Giving me a smile, before walking into the kitchen.

"Is it just me, or is he really happy?" I ask, with a slight giggle. Lauren looks over at me,

"Huh? Oh, um..what?" She says, confused as she wasn't paying any attention. I shake my head, dismissing her attention. She shrugs, going back to her phone.

Harry walks back in, giving me a smile. As he bit into his apple,

"Harry what's up with you?" I ask.

He shrugs,"I beat Niall at this stupid game, and he me some pounds now." He grins, making me smile at him, as I seen cute dimples pop out. He kisses me, slowly and passionately.

When Lauren stands up,"Too much pda, so I'll see you later. By the way, if you guys need anything, just ask me. Like, if you guys are about to to do..the sexy stuff, I'll give you a condom."

She winks, I blush a bright red. Her laughter fades, as she walks away. I hear Harry start to laugh,

"Sorry about her.." I chuckle, embarrassed.
He shrugs, kissing me again. This moment felt perfect.

This whole morning so far has been amazing, except when the text happened. The worry of Dave and everything else, coming back to get me.

He pulls away, landing a kiss on my cheek, my forehead, nose then lips again. Making me giggle,

"Stop! Harry!" As he plants the sloppy kisses all over my face. He laughs, his emerald eyes shining. But I couldn't help but think of the text again,

You won't be protected forever.

I tried to push it to the back of my mind, wanting to have a good day, and not wanting to ruin Harry's.

"So when's this party?" I ask. Harry gives me a 'I don't know' look.

"Promise me you won't get jealous again?" I tease. Me remembering his little jealous act at the restaurant a few days ago.

He rolls his eyes, playfully. "I love you.." he says, lovingly.

I blush,"I love you...Harry." I smile, fades quickly.
You won't be protected forever, I'll see you soon.
The word soon hit me, hard.
How far away soon?
But I had a feeling it was close.


"Damn, girl. You look hot. Harry won't leave your side tonight." Lauren giggles, I blush looking down. She then rises a pair of high heels, making me groan.

"You already know, that I'm not gonna wear those. Flats or I'm going barefoot." I warn, with my eyebrows raised.

She sighs, handing me the flats. I grin in victory, after we're done. I look at myself, I had on a tight black dress, that came mid-thigh. My hair down, my back in loose natural curls. I had on light make up, Lauren grabbed my arm, as we walked into the living room.

Where the others sat, and talk among themselves. Lauren coughed, catching their attention. Let's just say, that I'm surprised no flies flew in their agape mouths. Lauren grins triumphantly, making me giggle.

We all got into the van, me telling Harry to be careful with his injured arm. Louis looks at me,"What about me, huh? I'm injured too." He pouts, making me laugh.

"You be careful too Louis." I tease, he grins. Harry sits beside me, putting a hand on my thigh, distracting me.

As goosebumps rises to the surface of my legs. Harry noticed, "I love how I have this effect on you.." he whispers. He kisses my cheek, making me blush. "You look beautiful.." He continues.

Harry whispers other things, in my ear during during the way to the party. Niall telling telling us the only reason we were going is because he needed more allies, for the rebellion.

I guess I understood that, the van stopped in front of a house. Music blasting loudly, and different color light flashing out the windows.

This is going to be fun, note the sarcasm.

Hey guys! Please comment I wanna know what you guys thought of the chapter! ! And vote too please!!

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