Thirty Five: Finding.

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Tears forming in my eyes, as the man kicked me. "Tell me, or you will be hurting way more than this.." he gives me a warning gaze.

I close my eyes, in pain. When I heard a grunt, and a slight yell. I open my eyes, seeing Harry hunched over the guy. As he punched him over and over. He yelled insults at him, on every punch to the face. Harry stood up, looking at him.

His once light emerald eyes, a dark green.

I put my hand on his shoulder, as he turned around. His eyes soften as soon, as they land on me.

"Are you alright?" He asks, me worried. As he hugged me softly, and carefully. "I-I thought I lost you.." he whispers.

I smile,"It's gonna be a lot harder, to get rid of me. Harry." I say, with a slight chuckle.

A hint of a smile forms on his face, when he grabs my hand. Shocking me at the gesture, I guess I still wasn't used to us being..uh a 'thing' or whatever we are yet. When we both arrive back at the house, I seen Lauren. My face instantly lightens up, she gives me a smile hugging me. Before Harry guided me to his room, he shut it. Then looked at me seriously.

"Camila, why would you do that. You could've got killed. Actually he was going to kill you, if I didn't save you.." he scolds, as I look down fumbling with my fingers.

"I-I am sorry, Harry. It's just I had to..for Lauren." I reply, he nods.
"We would've gotten her back, somehow. Don't put yourself in danger again, please. For me, Camila." He pleads, as he sat beside me. I nod, with a slight smile.

"Okay, I promise."

"Good." He leans into me, kissing me softly. I was shocked for the hundredth time today, as I began to kiss back. He brings me closer to him, as I felt his hand rub my arm in little patterns. Leaving the skin on just arm, tingling.

As my hand was on the side of his face, I felt him smile through the kiss. His hands glide under my loose t-shirt, lightly tickling the skin. I giggle, against his lips.

He pulls away, then smirks. "I didn't know you were ticklish..." he teases. I laugh, and shrug awkwardly.

I lay down, as he laid beside me also.
"Camila?" He turns to look at me, our faces inches apart.

"Yeah?" I whisper, looking into his eyes.
"You know how, I don't want to have a girlfriend again after..her..and have strong feelings for anyone." I nod, remembering how he used to act towards me. Scared as if I would hurt him, like she did.

He sighs,"I'm finally over her, because I think I've fallen hopelessly in love with ..A girl who's brave, honest and beautiful. Who has helped me..feel again. That girl is, you..Camila. I'm falling hopelessly in love with you. And I don't know how to stop it."

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