Thirty Four: Why?

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Camila's Pov:
I read the text over and over, as I stood in the bathroom. Unknown: Camila if you want your friend back. Meet at the alley, near by. If you don't come, you should know what will happen to your little friend. You have ten minutes.
Tears started to come to my eyes, I wipe them away. I had to leave, I had to do this for Lauren. I put my hair in a ponytail, before I slowly and quietly opened the window. I climbed out, as I shut the window. But before I shut it, I heard a yell of my name, inside of the house. Harry. I shake my head, running away. I didn't want to go, but I had to do this. I ran towards the alley.

I finally arrived, hoping I made it in time. I then see a shadow, walking towards me.
"You girl." The man says, with a slight chuckle. Making me almost shake in fear. "Where's Lauren?" I ask, with the bit of confidence I had. He walks closer, as I could see his face clearly.

That's when I noticed it was the same man I had seen I'm my dream. A/n: (if you forgot that dream she had, go back to chap 27)
How did I picture him in my dream, I've never seen this man in my life, ever.
"Your friend...she's okay." He says, with a devious grin. "Okay, what do you want from me?" I ask.

"You know everything. I know you do." He says, looking at me coldly.

"What the- I don't know what you are talking about.." I say, acting innocent. I do know everything, but I couldn't let him know that. He shakes his head, as he started to look furious. Bipolar much?
He pushed me against the brick wall, "Stop acting innocent. You're going get your ass killed." He says. I start to cry a little, as I felt pain on my back. "I-I don't know anything.." He slaps me, dropping me from the wall. As I fell down, in pain. "You tell me everything you know, or-" he says, until...

Harry's Pov:
I put my hands though my hair, as I walked around the living room. Niall, and Zayn left. Leaving only Liam, and Louis.
"I can't...why would she leave? Did they get her or something?.." I kept asking myself, I lost her. I don't know what to do. I promised myself this wouldn't happen, and It did.

She's probably hurt right now, I can't even do anything about it.
Suddenly, the door burst open. Niall, coming in with...Lauren?
"I seen her, walking by herself. They just let her go, because.. I don't even know." Niall says, but clearly happy that she was back. Lauren looked the same, but her clothes was a bit dirty.

"They..have Camila. She save, they wanted her. They think she has the flash drive, they think she's apart of all of this." Lauren stutters.
"Who's 'they'?"
"Some really huge guy, had tattoos his was older. And some other guys too." She says.
I sighed, "I'm going to look for her." I grab my jacket, hearing them call my name. As I walked put the door, looking for my girl.

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