One: Two More Days

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I hear horrible insults, and people calling me names, whispering them, as laughter filled the hallways as I walked by. It's been like this for almost my whole high school experience, and it's completely terrible. One stupid mistake, and it literally changed everything. One little thing can effect so much, like a domino effect. You knock only one little one over, and the rest of them go tumbling down. That is basically what happened in my situation.

I walk into my last class of the day, sighing as people start throwing balled paper towards me. If you have questions, wait until the end, and you'll get answers. It wasn't pleasant at all, and it's something where I wished that it fell from the face of the earth. But it continued to come back, and it when it did every time, I would be scared to death.

I sat in the back of class room, hearing whispers crowding the room, and the thing was I could almost hear every word they were 'whispering'. They might as well, just say it out loud, it couldn't be anything I haven't heard before. I used to be so sad over this, and cry a lot. But one day, it suddenly stopped - not the insults, but me actually truly crying, and sadness that flooded me when anybody ever said anything negative about me.

"Hi, honey. How was school?" My aunt asks, clueless as to what has been happening the last four years. She gave me a smile, as if I had tons of friends. But she was truly clueless, if I had so many friends, don't you think I would've brought one home to actually hang with by now?

I give her a fake smile, "It was fine. Can't wait to get out of here though." I say, trying to leave the conversation before it went downhill, or before she brings up anything I didn't want her to.

She smiles sadly,"I know you're still, hurting from your father's death...and you know everything else. But, are you sure you move away from people you know here?" She asks, unsure. Tears burning to fall after the words she had just said. What people? I had nobody, except for her.

"Yeah, definitely. I've saved so much money, for this. I've wanted to get out of her for so long, and I want a fresh start." And a chance for people to not know about my past. I of course didn't say the second part, she wouldn't understand. I haven't told her anything, she doesn't know anything. I guess, I'll have to keep it that way.

"Well, Camila. There's only two more days, I hope you find what you're looking for."
I nod, running a hand through my hair messily. Before she sent me a small smile, and walking away.
I walk up into my room, "Just two more days..." I repeat, laying on my bed with a stressed sigh.
My first story, so please I know it's stupid or anything along the lines of that.
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