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This is chapter 2 if you have not read chapter 1 go back now!
You jump out with your gun held out. "What do you think i'm stupid? I'm not coming with you!" a strain of your (h/c) fell on your face. "Haha, give the gun to me, you don't want to do that" the man said extending his hand out for you to give him the gun. Sucks for him because you were not going to give it to him. "Get back sweetie i don't wanna get you hurt" you said smirking. Just then one of the men went up to you trying to get the gun but to pulled back and shot him in the leg "what did i say? Sweetie~~" you said in a mocking voice and putting your hands on your hips. "GET HER!" said the man that you shot he was in pain tying to stop the blood and on the floor.
Two men ran up to you and pind you to the wall dropping the gun. "Ugh, mind closing your mouth? Your breath stinks." you said mockly smiling at him. "Shut up!" then i saw the two men fall to the floor being tripped by someone... Or something you quickly grabbed your gun and looked up to see what it was. It was green with a red mask on. "Oh look, my knight in shining armour!" you giggled and the muscular thing laughed too. "Sorry buddy, i don't liked being saved. So you won't be getting a kiss from this princess." you spined the gun in your hand and saw that the two men were getting up. You growled and kicked the one with bad breath in the stomach and shot the other on the hand. You look up at the red bandana man and he had a shock look on his face "nice... What's ya name" he said "Oops, sorry i don't talk to strangers for all i know you  could kill me... You look" you said walking up to him and he flinched "u-umm.. Ya don't wanna see my face ya just get scared and run away..." he said you stopped and smiled "trust me i know worse" he walked in to the light "there, ya wanna scream, call me a monster, and take pictures of me" you leand on one leg and sigh "no one is screaming" you looked at your watch and saw that it was late "Oh no, look it was nice to meet you but i gotta go. Bye!" you waved and he waved back as you ran home because it was 11:30 and you needed to finish your homework. Thinking about that green red bandanna man.
~~~~~~~~End of chapter 2~~~~~~

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