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Again, if you have not read chapters 1 or 2 go back now because this is chapter 3
It's been a week since the night with the purple Dragons and you just can't stop thinking out that red bandanna man... And well now you were drawing under a tree because this was the only way for you to relax. You took in a deep breath and looked at your watch and put your things in your bag. You were walking to your so called home and you opened the door to find it was trashed. You put your hand over your mouth and new it was time to leave this place and find somewhere else to live, but for now you had no where to go and you knew it was dangerous to sleep here only being 15 and all. And so you climbed up a fire escape and sat down on the stairs looking at the stars when you heard "OH! DID YOU SEE THAT DONNIE?! MY SKATEBOARD TRICKS ARE BETTER THAN ALL OF YOURS!" you jumped up and looked around "yep, Mikey wins this round!" you heard another voice say "BOYAHKASHA!" (sorry i don't know how to spell it :P) "pffft, who cares?" your heart skipped a beat. It was him you froze "alright guys lets tone it down ninjas are quite" you giggled and moked him "haha, ninjas are quite... Wait... Ninjas?" then you heard nothing and you thought they left. And out of no were 4 turtles were in front of you "... Hia.. There..." you said in a awkward way "oh, hey princess. Miss me?" said  red . You rolled your eyes "for sure" you said "wait..." said the one with a blue mask "p-princess?... Have you two met?" i looked at him "maybe... Maybe not.. I like living off of maybes" you said as you narrowed your eyes at the blue one with one hand on your hips. "Ohhh Raphie's got a girlfriend~~" said the Orange one. "MIKEY!!" yelled red "Raphie? I like it! It's got a ring to it" you smiled and gigged "oh yah that's right i never told ya my name" The red one said scratching the back of his head "I'm Raphael this is Leo" he said pointing to the Blue one "and this is Donnie and... Mikey.." he said pointing to the purple and Orange one "well, it's nice to met you all! I'm (Y/N)(L/N)" you said flipping your (H/C) hair to the side "Why are you sitting here?" said Raphael you looked at him and stuttered "o-oh.. Umm... S-sitting... N-nothing much" you said putting your hand behind your back Mikey looked behind you "than why do you have all your stuff there?" he said "...." you looked down "h-hey umm.. N-need a place to stay?" Raphael said walking up to you lifting your chin up. Your heart was racing so fast "u-umm.. I-i don't k-know.." you said "we have space, c'mon we won't do anything to you promise" Said Donnie "but i may.." you said in a low whisper "well we are not taking no for an answer" Said Mikey "yah, we an't" Said Raph and he grabbed you and picked you up "HEY! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" you said "Don't worry you're alright" you huffed and just went along with the ride.
~~~~~~~~End of chapter 3~~~~~~~~~~

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