Character Description :)

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Miriku Kuran:
Hair color; Chocolate brown
Eye color; Lapis blue, and red brown whenever she is happy
Personality; Kind ,generous, calm,quiet, optimistic(cheerful),caring, and courageous.
Likes; to read novels, drawing anything , helps out her parent(s), and loves the roses in the garden or the meadow that she visits ( more details in the future parts).

Keiko Hio (Miriku with no memories)

Hair color: raven black hair with one streak of ultraviolet hair and another steak of sapphire hair. (Shizuka had to change Miriku's appearance before someone recognized her)
Eye color; during winter or fall its cerise pink but during spring or summer it's amethyst violet.
Personality; stubborn, devoted, loyal,persistent, determined,adventurous, and sincere.
Likes:not really anything , reading ,watching the roses bloom,seeing the cherry blossoms of a sakura tree fall , and loves writing her own stories.

Sorry I haven't really updated. I am still trying to create ideas for the next part and I will try to update ASAP k. Arigato for your patience. At least you know more about Miriku and Keiko and how they look.
- Miriku_Sama :)

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