17 Kim Namjoon: Doctor.

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 I entered the hospital holding my arm. I walked up to the front desk a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Are you okay?" The lady at the front desk asked me.

"I broke my arm"  "Oh dear. Okay are you able to sign this?" she grabbed a clipboard.

"Yeah, my dominant hand is okay." "Okay, fill this out and the doctor will be with you shortly. "Thank you"

I walked over to the chair in the corner of the room then took a seat and started writing.

About 10 minutes later the nurse called my name. "Y/n!" She spoke "Here" I stood up.

"The Doctor will see you now." I nodded and followed her to the correct room.

"Sit here" She patted the examing table. I somehow managed to get up there with her help. She sat on the rolling chair and turned on the computer.

She pressed a couple of keys and clicked the mouse a little bit then turned to me. "Okay Y/n what happened," She asked. "Okay, this might seem dumb but..." I hesitated to tell my stupid story. "It's okay Y/n I won't make fun of you."

I nodded swallowing the lump in my throat. "I went with my friend to target and... She dared me to climb in the cart so I did it and she pushed it and...the cart slammed into the wall and I fell out." I finished my sentace.

"So where is your friend?" She asked writing something down. "She had to go home. She drove me here though"

"Okay-" Before she could finish the Doctor came in. When he entered the room it was like a beam of light came out of nowhere. He's so attractive!

From his silky brown hair to his gorgeous brown eyes to his adorable dimples This man is the epitome of attractiveness.

"You must be Y/n," He said breaking me from my thoughts.  He held out his hand for me to shake. I awkwardly smiled and shook it. when he sat down on the chair I realized the nurse was gone.

I felt awkward sitting in a room holding my arm when a hot guy is sitting right in front of me. I sigh, he looks up at me.

"Okay, so I need you to follow me into the X-ray room," He said standing up and opening the door. Of course, I followed him into the X-ray room.

When we got in there he had me sit down while he scanned my broken arm.

After he was done scanning it he looked at them for a couple of seconds. "I'll be right back Y/n," He said closing the door. I waited 10 minutes for him to come back.

"Y/n, You won't have to stay overnight." "Okay, " "Because It's a humerus fracture. need to get a cast on it."

He said starting to leave the room."Okay," I stood up and started following him when I tripped.

I was about to fall when I suddenly was in the Doctor's arms. My face went red.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned. I let out a painful breath and spoke. "I'm okay b-but my arm." A tear rolled down my cheek.

He admittedly put me in his arm bridal style and carried me to the hospital room. The whole time my face was bright red. He finally set me on the doctor's bench and I was relieved.

He grabbed a couple of rolls of fiberglass cast tape. "This might hurt." He calmly said grabbing my arm lightly. I winced a little bit at his touch.

"It's gonna be okay, baby-" His eyes widened, then he immediately shut his mouth afterward and froze. "I-it's okay" I smiled. He awkwardly smiled back at me. I'm gonna be honest it surprised me but I didn't mind it.

(2 minutes later)

I awkwardly cleared my throat and spoke. "I... I umm..." I didn't know how to start a conversation with him.

My palms started sweating more when he looked up at me. I took a deep breath. "So... Come here often?" He looked up at me and chuckled.

"I work here silly" I mentally slapped myself. "All done Y/n."

He stood up. I was still looking at the floor when he spoke. "I'll be the first person to sign it" He smiled and pulled out a sharpie from his coat pocket. He wrote 'Get better soon<3 ~Namjoon' I smiled at it then looked up at him, He looked down at me.

Our eyes locked for about 1 minute. When he broke the eye contact he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Can I umm...." His head fell grom embarrassment. "C-can I have your number?"

My eyes went wide. Does a cute boy want my number?! Before my brain could think I just spit out the words "Sure" I smiled. He looked up at me kinda shocked. "R-really?" His eyes started sparkling, it was so beautiful.

"Yes really" I giggled while pulling out my phone with my non-broken hand. We exchanged numbers and we said our goodbyes, and with that, I went home. I wanted a hot shower so I put on a cast cover and hopped into the shower.

I just got out of the shower when my phone buzzed on the counter. I looked down at it and smiled. "It's Namjoon"

(Namjoon) Hey whatcha doing?

I just got out of the shower. (You)

(Namjoon) Oh cool, I just got off of work.

 Well I should get dinner. Good night Namjoon :) (You)

(Namjoon) Night =)

I closed my phone and walked over to my closet, I ghosted my fingers over the different fabrics until I found one I wanted. I slipped on the pajamas and went downstairs.

I made some pasta with cheese. It was kinda complicated but I did it. I finished dinner and washed my dishes.

The I went upstairs and brushed my teeth then slipped into bed and clicked off the light.

Hope you enjoyed :) Sorry it took me so long to upload. I've starting a new project so it's kinda hard to post latly. But don't worry I have a surprise waiting for you !!

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