25 Kim Namjoon: He Catches You Smoking

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The next 7 are huge requests from a new follower! Thank you @A_Fucking_Slut! Since I have so many to do they will be mini Imagines, they will be at least 600 words. I checked with the requester they said it was okay. :) Enjoy!

TW: Smoking, Yelling, Fighting.

Stepping into my local gas station, I walked straight to the checkout. "What can I do for you today?"  I pointed at the packs of camel blue wides, The guy behind the register nodded. "How many packs?" I placed cash on the counter. "1 please." He handed me a pack of cigarettes, taking the money off the counter and ringing me up. "Have a great day." I grabbed the bag and mumbled you too. Quickly walking out of the place, I got into my car.

I lit the cigarette, taking a drag off it. My phone rang, Namjoon's contact lit it up. I slid it to answer. "Hey, Gorgeous." He sang through the phone, I took another inhale breathing out. "Hey, handsome." I rolled my window down, to not hot box my car. "Can you come to the studio? I need you here." Checking my rearview mirror I stopped at a red light. "I'm on my way." He sounded quite upset I hope he's okay.

"Cya in a bit." He hung up not giving me the chance to say I love you or goodbye. Smoking 2 more cigarettes on the way there I finally pulled into the studio parking lot. Getting out of the car, my shoes thumped against the pavement. Opening the big glass doors. "Hi, Y/n" Shenyung greeted me, I waved. "Here to see Namjoon again?" I nodded, she smiled. "I'm glad, he seemed down today" She frowned. "Did he say why?" She shook her head. "Well, have a nice day, Shenyung." She smiled. "You too, Y/n" Slipping the pack of cigarettes into my coat pocket I knocked on Namjoon's studio door.

"It's Y/n." I hear him mumble come in, slowly opening the door he was on the small couch head thrown back, tears gliding down his pink cheeks. I rushed over to him, hugging him tightly. "What's wrong?!" I questioned, he hugged me tightly. He just pouted. "Baby?" I asked again, wiping his tears. "I just feel exhausted" He sighed, I agree with him. We've both been working hard, getting to spend nearly anytime with each other except for sleeping next to each other in bed.  That's why I started smoking it calms my nerves.

He removed his face from my neck, an upset face formed. "Why do you smell like that?" My heart rate sped up, tightening my jacket. "What do you mean?" His fist and jaws clenched. "Y/n. Don't." I slowly climbed off of him, fidgeting with my hands. "Why do you smell like that." My hands started shaking a bit. "W-well..." He stood up, watching him pace back and forth. "J-Joon." His eyes met mine, a tear dripped down my cheek.

"What, Y/n!?" His volume knocked the wind out of me. "I'm s-sorry." He stopped pacing. "FOR WHAT!?" I ripped open my jacket, throwing the almost empty pack of cigarettes onto the floor. "FOR THAT! I'VE BEEN SMOKING OKAY! I'm sorry." I curled my knees up to my chest, Namjoon let out a long sigh.  Tears poured from me, weeks of stress build-up finally spilled. I stood up to leave, stepping on the pack of cigarettes in the process. "Y/n" Namjoon hugged me, a small whimper left his mouth. "P-please don't go."

 I hugged him back, there was no way I'm leaving this studio. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." I shook my head. "It's not your fault, I wasn't telling you anything." He kissed me. "You're gonna have to brush your teeth" He chuckled, I nodded, he handed me a mint. "I love you, Y/n" I kissed his forehead. "I love you too."

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